Rhino Silent Legion saddle still not fixed clipping issue

Ever since its release it is still not fixed.
The rhino silent legion saddle still clips the armor on the rhino ears and also the player when they sit on the rhino silent legion saddle the seat of the saddle still clips the knew of the player into the metal front of the saddle seat as shown in the screesnhot… I ve made a post before also and was told it wil be fixed in next update… this was said before the age of sorcery updates and still the rhino saddle for silent legion version is same… no changes and still not worth buying it… Even the saddle models and textures are not as good as the ones from the dlcs…

anyone planning to buy should probably do proper research before buying this saddle cos I ve been waiting a long long time for it be fixed even after was told that it would be and yet its still same and being sold in bazaar and hoping noone notices cos it took so long to show up on bazaar again .
the details of sielnt legion saddle are not upto the mark compared to dlc saddles… for the price paid for rhino silent legion saddle its nowhere as good as the dlc saddle at all sadly…
Funcom please again asking and postinghere so that this saddle will be fixed this time atleast…
Even the metallic armor of saddle looks like its as flat as the cloth design its on everythin is so flat like paper, including the belts of saddle… for a ‘silent legion’ saddle its supposed to look and feel awesome since silent legion armors in game are nothing less when it comes to its looks and design…

Greetings Exile,

In the future, please consider using the bug template to speed up the registering of your report.

Can you share with us if you noticed this situation on Singleplayer or Online match?
If online, please share the server number.

We await your reply.

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