RP/PVP Kingdom of the House Phoenix Royal Hellknights

Server Name: Kingdom of the House Phoenix Royal Hellknights

Server Region: US NYC

Server Type: RP-PVP

Server Lore: Custom Conan lore

Age Restriction: 18+

Server Modlist: Vanilla

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Kingdom of the House Phoenix Royal Hellknights

Server Description: RP focused, with ample opportunity for PVP. We strive to avoid server wipes, and lore wipes are not something we plan on, nor are mods. We feature our own lovingly crafted server lore designed to fit with existing established Conan Lore. We accommodate multiple RP styles and would love to weave you and/or your clan into our ever-evolving world. We have a territory, city, alliance, and trade system, wars on occasion to mix things up and keep it exciting, and weekly events to keep it interesting. We highly encourage player driven content to supplement ours, and are always open to suggestions, with an active and involved mod team and highly responsive admin whom can be reached virtually any time. We look forward to continuing to grow and evolve! We have a massive server wide event every summer! Check in for details or message me! Server transfers are enabled.

Server Discord Invite: Kingdom of The House Phoenix Royal Hellknights

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Just bumping. Also feel free to DM me with any questions you may have, or post them here.

Been experiencing a lull that we have yet to recover from since Chapter 3 and 4 of Age of War. Now is the perfect time to claim a spot, join a faction, or become a citizen of our capital city! We’d love for you to give us a try! :slight_smile:

All prepped for the next age, just waiting for it to drop.