Sacred Hunt Event **NOT** back on Dec 23 - Jan 6


I’m looking for the Sacred Hunt Event on official servers. But it does not seem to be back on. Can you please clarify what you intended with the activation of this event?

@Community - Please… please give us some answers. Thank you! And Happy Holidays, everyone! :christmas_tree:


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I also don’t get why this event is always just running for such a short amount of time. The other event was running for 4 month or more straight…
And over the holidays especially, when some people are away on holiday, visit relatives or whatever.

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It’s there. But it’s not there.

As a Funcom Content Creator, i am supposed to be streaming the hunt an having fun with it. But here i am… live… and the event isnt here. its definitely not live on any server, because im playing solo q on my pc an nada.

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as of late, they are unable to do anything right, timers not working as advertized,. annouced events not active. despite of them annoucing it.

i am really starting to believe they are doing this to us on purpose.

Could be a new religion. Schrodinger’s alter.

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