For those wondering, here is the quote from Tseric.
"When you can understand how a group of belligerent and angry posters can drive away people from this game with an uncrafted and improvisational campaign of misery and spin-doctoring, then perhaps, you can understand the decisions I make. Until you face mobs of psychology, you will not see my side.
Until you see some bright-eyed player coming onto the forums wanting to know what they should spec as this class, and see them shat on and driven away by petty and selfish people who are simply leveraging for game buffs, you will not understand.
You will not understand until you have to see it daily, for years…
Until you understand that many people will trod over you to get where they’re going, or to get what they want.
Until you understand that so many people will agree, completely, 100% with a loud, vulgar and assertive individual, not because he is right, but because he is making a stand against “the Man”; to take no critical thought in what they say, but simply to hop on board.
Until you actually try to acknowledge those who do not speak on the forums, for whatever reason they have, you will not understand.
If you think an archaic business formula like “the customer is always right” works, you fail to understand customers, not a customer. It is a collective. No one person, even myself, is truly above the whole.
I simply have the unfortunate quality of being easily singled out."
Now, imagine having such a consistent diet of posterior and boot leather that one thinks this is relevant here.
We don’t have bright eyed players coming to look for pointers.
We have angry customers looking for answers as to why their product doesn’t work. Or what the work around for the most recent broken update is.
And because the people whose job it is to engage the community are silent, it falls to the rest of the community to answer.
But perhaps we are supposed to look at something else. How a not nice at all post on the forums in a “Skinning a bear should aggro all nearby bears” type thread regarding unaliving a Tseric should aggro Tserics within radius… was the preamble to said person’s departure.
Was he fired?
Did he resign?
Is it even relevant at this point?
But where in the forums has this been floated?
If this is the issue, then please link this one to where violence was suggested on this forum.
What do we deserve?
As you conveniently forget, you are part of this community as well. You aren’t above it, you aren’t better that the most inarticulate and belligerent keyboard crybaby. You are swimming in the feces with everyone else and you set the tone for the responses you get.
Like calling people garbage.
And making the patently ludicrous claim that the Manhattan Solution to systemic Health Care corruption somehow is related to forum snark and vitriol.
You want unhinged?
Unhinged is someone trying to silence complaints about a product in a progressing state of decay and with pathetic communication to it’s customers by falsely equating it to agitating for unaliving someone.
Does your breath hitch while imagining that you might be able to one day oppose someone making a lethal move against some scum bag CEO somewhere?
Is that what gets your pulse quickening, imagining yourself as the only thing that stands between some c-suite executive and certain doom?
Is this the power fantasy you get off on?
Because if so, excellent news, Cyberpunk 2077 has a Corpo storyline.