Sandstone Set 2 Item Missing

Hey there. I purchased the Sandstone Set 2 from the Bazar, but an item seems to be missing and unable to craft/build. That is the wooden overhand piece that is prominently shown and advertised as part of this set. Since it was shown to be part of a set, assume this is a bug. I have tested on both maps and the Savage Wilds map, same issue.


I can confirm this. Also missing the lattice window.



They went silent from embarrassment


I’m having this same issue.

This is inexcusable.

They over-price the everloving f**k out of these Bazaar items and then pull this sh*t?!?! Not ok.


Does this set unlock only the T1 pieces, or will it include some styled variants for T3 as well (as in - it unlocks “a chimney” type, not just T1 sandstone chimney)…?

I’m having a bit of buyers remorse because it doesn’t cover the other tiers that are built into the game.

Really annoying to try and upgrade to T2 Hardened Brick. :-1:


Yeah, thought I was going insane because I couldn’t find that piece. Glad to know it’s not just me.


It’s a “micro” transaction. It will be a “micro” product. Don’t count on anything but sandstone. Next time they update the Bazaar perhaps they will add a tier 2 set for $10 or $20 dollars.

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same here, cant craft this windowitem

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I have the exact same problem. I have posted this on some of the Conan Exiles YouTube influencer channels as well. I am able to make all the other pieces of the Sandstone Set #2 in the new Builder’s Mode but not the one that I think is labeled “Balcony window”

I feel it’s overpriced though. And that comming from a guy, who left probably like 1200-1500$ in Star Trek Online…


I get the very same bug. It’s either a bug, or it’s false advertising. I’m going to go with good faith here and say it’s a bug.

I don’t want special treatment. I don’t want to be coddled. I just want the stuff I paid for. So, Funcom… kindly cough it up, if you would.


I am also missing balcony piece. Sounds like fraud to me


I can confirm too. The same piece is missing from my Ancestral Knowledge Library too.

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Same here, Items dont appear in the ancestral knowledge Library either. Not good!

I’m guessing that the balcony was switched out with the timber single story doorframe that is not in the picture and the balcony will be in the Sandstone Set 1 pack.

That doesn’t make any sense since the picture is showing you what you are paying for. If they intentionally switched them, then there would be a different picture advertising what you are paying for.


Is there any official statement from @community
I would like to buy it. Maybe it sounds stupid but the most wanted item is the balcony :slight_smile:
Also I am thinking about to wait for the next set maybe there is a t3 balcony.

I don’t know, maybe they decided to put the two doorframes in the same package but the marketing team didn’t get the memo. There is an extra doorframe in Set 2 that isn’t pictured yet the balcony is locked in admin with the other Set 1 pieces. But you are right, it doesn’t make sense, even putting Set 2 for sale before Set 1 makes me think that there were changes made that weren’t anticipated.

Greetings everyone,

Thank you for reaching out to us. This is indeed a bug and it’s being worked on. To clarify: the number of items in the bundle remains correct, but instead of receiving the wall piece, you receive a door frame. Our team is working to fix this in an upcoming patch.

Please keep an eye out for it in future announcements. And, thank you for your patience while we review this matter.