I hereby declare myself the winner. Plz send me Boone. Thank you all.
Plot twist; winners were meant to be announced after 28th of April
Well, i know it doesn’t state an actual date for announcement except “announced after 28 April 2023 on the Funcom Forums.” - so can be anytime AFTER that date - a little update from the organizer to keep people in the loop would be nice and courteous.
I dare say Aggie’s rule set looks longer than all these stories put together (I expected nothing different there <3
(Puts all the Love on Gaia stories through a word count and sees how many minutes in total read time it has)
Just to give some comparison timelines - a baby was conceived and born in this time so far
And the winner is
An elderly lady slowly shuffles, unannounced on to the scene, holding a golden envelope.
She smiles, waiting expectedly for acknowledgement.
She laughs a little
Smiles again
Adjusts glasses
It’s been some time hasn’t it
Looks around the room
well, I am here now.
Places magnifying glass over the envelope
I now pronounce the winner of . . . What was it again?
Adjusts magnifying glass over the envelope, moving it back and forth
Oh yes, Love on Gaia!
Giggles a little and shrugs her shoulders
Shuffles over to the end of the stage
Puts down magnifying glass
Pauses for a moment holding the envelope to her chest
Oooh, Acid reflux
Shuffles back to the centre stand
great pause
And the winner Is
Looks around
Greater pause
Fumbles envelope to find a way in
Looks at audience,
cant see anyone,
lights too bright… keeps fumbling
Haha, They don’t make these things any easier do they!
Fumbles some more
What the hell, can I get a little help over here
Nervously laughs
Nobody arrives to help
Holds envelope up to the light to see through it
What is this damn thing made from?
Still nobody comes to help
looks around
Anyone? Hey - you up there with the light, can I get a little help over here!?
sound of door closing
Y u prank me like dis? Vomher told me they are going to be announced very soon a couple days ago, so I for sure thought they day had come.
It hasn’t been one year yet though!
Thanks - Prize received <3