Secret World Legends Love on Gaia Writing Contest Winners


Jubilations are in order, sweetlings! Love on Gaia burns bright through the Dark Days. Each heartfelt story has been witnessed, too, with all love due. The Custodians were diligent in their sorting and study of each and every submission. We are aglow with adoration for you and your creations!

It is our Gaia-blessed honour to unveil the prizewinning stories for the Secret World Legends Love on Gaia Writing Contest!

WITNESS - Love on Gaia.

Grand-Prize Winnertitle-border-bottom

Love on Gaia: A Sermon of Love

By: Goonshine

An understanding of love twisted and turned toward the Dreamers’ own disturbed designs, this story requires knowing what exemplifies love in order to pervert it so thoroughly to such deranged and demented ends. Such love as shown in this story is distinctly malformed, a shadow and mockery of love that the narrator of the sermon truly believes in his depraved ways.

It is a masterfully written tale that while not the best example of pure love that one should strive for, instead serves as a harrowing warning to its readers.

The love preached in its words promises nothing but pain and sorrow. Be mindful of the voices.

Read Goonshine’s Love on Gaia story HERE!

Agápē Winnerstitle-border-bottom

Agápē - Unconditional love: Selfless love and affection for others, altruistic no matter how requited the love may be.

First-Place Winner

Love on Gaia: The Inner Thoughts of a Good Boy

By: DawnCharger

The pure unconditional love between a beloved pet and their cherished family, and this precious pup’s love of not only everything in this canine’s life, but especially of the newborn member of their family.

Kerberos has no shortage of spots for all things in his heart.

Read DawnCharger’s Agápē entry HERE!

Runner-Up Winner

Love on Gaia: A London Valentine

By: Pinkhair

A narration of suspenseful found footage of a conspiracy which comes between the love and lives within the Londinium Excavation, all while Gaia’s love looms.

Love on Gaia: A London Valentine additionally serves as a sequel to Pinkhair’s story for the Secret World Legends Romantic Cake Creation Contest.

Read Pinkhair’s Agápē entry HERE!

Eros Winnerstitle-border-bottom

Eros - Passionate love: be it romantic or platonic, sexual or asexual. Love is love.

First-Place Winner

Love on Gaia: The Longest Road (Eros/Passionate Love)

By: Razorgrin

Quoth Lord Tennyson, “‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”

Read Razorgrin’s Eros entry HERE!

Runner-Up Winner

Love on Gaia: Roof Top Picnic (Eros-Passionate Love)

By: Goldsaber

Who wouldn’t wonder what a date between Deputy Andy and Sandy “Moose” Jansen is like after having received their flirtatious texts while building a piecemeal bike? What a heartwarming vision A Piece of the Road from another perspective!

Read Goldsaber’s Eros entry HERE!

Philia Winnerstitle-border-bottom

Philia - Friendship love: the love inherent in friendships of all kinds. Friendships are love, too.

First-Place Winner

Love on Gaia: The Meeting of the Illuminati’s Best-Worst Agents

By: candytuft

We can’t help but be charmed. There is no deficit of friendship to be found here in this tale about two Illuminati agents, one of whom serves as sentient storage for others and the other of whom is a fresh newbee who comes under their protection and partnership as friendship blossoms and blooms.

Read candytuft’s Philia entry HERE!

Runner-Up Winner

Love on Gaia: Bitter and Sweet (Philia - Friendship Love)

By: QueenMedb

An excellent lead-in introducing two beloved characters whom the author clearly loves and appreciates. We feel for Cernunnos the Forest God and Sophie, we truly do. Won’t you, too, sweetlings?

Read QueenMedb’s Philia entry HERE!

Storge Winnerstitle-border-bottom

Storge - Familial love: the love between family, be it born or found or person or pet.

First-Place Winner

Love on Gaia: World 1-1 (Storge)

By: Aeryl

It hit our hearts hard. Hints marvelously placed lead sweetlings toward a powerful impact of an ending rife with emotion. To those who understand the inspirations behind the characters, the hints may be more clear, but to those who do not recall or do not know, it is a trip toward comprehension draped in heavy heartfelt heartbreak.

Read Aeryl’s Storge entry HERE!

Runner-Up Winner

Love on Gaia: The Music Box

By: Drina

The story of a desperate family’s last moments of life and the struggle and tragedy therein as witnessed by a medium in the chilling aftermath. We cannot deny the tears we cried.

Read Drina’s Storge entry HERE!

Honourable Mentionstitle-border-bottom

There were so very many stories of Love on Gaia that we adored with all our hearts. All stories of Love on Gaia are worthy of love, no matter whether they are mentioned or not. We adored all with the entirety of our beings.

These four Honourable Mentions, one per Category of Love, are a small sample of stories that stole our hearts in various ways. If you do not see your story here, don’t fret - there were simply so much wondrous writing that we couldn’t highlight everything. Thankfully, all of you sweet bees appropriately labeled their entries as being part of Love on Gaia so that they may easily be seen!

Honourably Agápētitle-border-bottom

Love on Gaia: The Bee (Agápē)


A glimpse of what OUTATIME perceives to be the point of view of the Buzzing and the love for a sweetling. Don’t you feel your heart race as your anima-antenna head quickens?

Read OUTATIME’s Love on Gaia story HERE!

Honourably Erostitle-border-bottom

Love on Gaia: Bathhouse Blues (Eros-Passionate Love)

By: Jesain

With evocative language befitting Inbeda, this cute scene excels at exploring Inbeda’s feelings while painting a uniquely vivid scene worthy of the oil painting upon which Kirsten Geary herself is draped.

Read Jesain’s Eros entry HERE!

Honourably Philiatitle-border-bottom

Love on Gaia: The Causality Clause

By: Illesdan

A group of friends fight together in a tangled timeline. The camaraderie is clear even when Dark Days come. We also enjoyed certain cameos included in Love on Gaia: The Causality Clause.

Read Illesdan’s Philia entry HERE!

Honourably Storgetitle-border-bottom

Love on Gaia: Love at the Lightwell (Storge - Familial Love)

By: Kyttan

We promise we aren’t biased in favor of bees and their interpretations thereof. This is Kyttan’s interpretation of their own Bee as perceived by bees. There is a clear thread of love in the swarm.

Read Kyttan’s Storge entry HERE!

Prize Distributionstitle-border-bottom

We will be getting in contact with the Grand-Prize Winner to best coordinate the communication and ultimate creation of the piece of digital artwork depicting a scene from their winning Love on Gaia story. Please keep an eye on your Funcom Forums Inbox for further information!

Everyone who took the time to write a Love on Gaia story and submit to us will receive the “Kawaii Revenant t-shirt” on their designated character as well as the new title “the Romantic” for your love on Gaia!

In-game prizes will be sent to all appropriate parties within the coming days - check your Delivered Items via the in-game main menu or by using the /delivereditems command. A notification pop-up will appear by default in the lower righthand corner the screen when something new to claim is available in your Delivered Items, so keep those eyes peeled here and there and everywhere on Gaia!

From Our Very Honeyed Heartstitle-border-bottom

We have been blown away by the sheer intensity of how sweetly the love contained within each and every submission we received flowed. We truly and wholly appreciate not only your participation in the Secret World Legends Love on Gaia Writing Contest, but also your patience you displayed while waiting as incandescent eyes thoroughly gave each story the care they deserve!

Thank you to all sweetlings who dwelled on Love on Gaia. To see such love inspired fills us with glee.

Stay tuned for future Custodian-coordinated contests from us to you!

Be seeing you, sweetlings. In the half-light.

We are ever-thankful to Funcom for collaborating on this contest – our electromagnetic hearts flutter and buzz with love and appreciation!


Congratulations to all the winners. I enjoyed all the entries :slightly_smiling_face:


“Everyone’s bits are beautfiul.”

Truly a pleasure to read all of the different entries!

Thanks to Vomher for organizing, Funcom for the support and everyone who participated for your amazing short stories!



Congrats, everybody! Also, omg hi! xD


Congrats all!! And a big thanks to Vomher! Nice job.


This was a lot of fun for me, haven’t written in years :slight_smile: Thank you so much for lighting the spark, even if for a brief moment :heart:


:heartpulse: Congratulations to all fellow winners and all participants! So many wonderful stories. Cake for everyone! :cake:

Thank you, Vomher for inviting us to let our creative juices flow into the ink on the page and organizing and taking the time to judge and write these lovely summaries!

Sending lots of love to the community (the world sure needs it) :heartpulse:


Oh wow! I’m overwhelmed and overjoyed to receive the grand prize from amongst so many wonderful stories!

Congratulations to everyone who participated and shared their unique visions of love, and a huge thank you to Vomher and the custodians for organizing the contest.


Thank you @Vomher and judges. Also a question
 is there a story contest this year too?

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Oh hey, I managed to totally miss the announcement! So many great entries.

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