Server crash for "no reason"

Hello, everyone. I’m the main administrator of a Conan Exiles community server and I need a little help here.
Since 2 or 3 days, the server is crashing 1~5 times each days, I absolutely don’t know why. I’ve tried to check in server logs but I don’t find the reason.

Can someone help me ?

Here are the lasts lines in the log file.

[2020.02.09-20.37.07:358][442]Combat:Display: [BasePlayerChar_C_7] Final fall damage:141.879562
[2020.02.09-20.37.07:919][459]LogNetPackageMap:Warning: UPackageMapClient::InternalLoadObject: Unable to resolve default guid from client: PathName: BP_NPC_Wildlife_Wolf_pet_C_3, ObjOuter: /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel
[2020.02.09-20.37.07:923][459]LogNetPackageMap:Warning: UPackageMapClient::InternalLoadObject: Unable to resolve default guid from client: PathName: EquipmentInventory, ObjOuter: NULL
[2020.02.09-20.37.09:126][495]Network:Warning: Data: AILODSystem_0 (server) sent 1888.5 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2020.02.09-20.37.09:129][495]Network:Warning: Data: AILODSystem_0 (server) sent 148.5 parts per second > 40 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2020.02.09-20.37.11:130][555]Network:Warning: Data: BasePlayerChar_C_1 (server) received 1125.5 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2020.02.09-20.37.11:260][559]LogNetPackageMap:Warning: UPackageMapClient::InternalLoadObject: Unable to resolve default guid from client: PathName: BPGameItemFood_C_3, ObjOuter: /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BasePlayerChar_C_8.ShortcutBarInventory
[2020.02.09-20.37.11:264][559]LogNetPackageMap:Warning: UPackageMapClient::InternalLoadObject: Unable to resolve default guid from client: PathName: BPGameItemFood_C_3, ObjOuter: /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BasePlayerChar_C_8.ShortcutBarInventory
[2020.02.09-20.37.21:135][855]Network:Warning: Data: AILODSystem_0 (server) sent 2026.5 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2020.02.09-20.37.21:139][855]Network:Warning: Data: AILODSystem_0 (server) sent 167.0 parts per second > 40 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2020.02.09-20.37.21:140][855]Network:Warning: Data: FunCombat_PlayerController_C_6 (server) received 1138.0 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2020.02.09-20.37.23:144][915]Network:Warning: Data: BasePlayerChar_C_1 (server) received 1102.0 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2020.02.09-20.37.29:121][ 94]Network:Warning: Data: BasePlayerChar_C_23 (server) received 1030.0 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2020.02.09-20.37.33:135][214]Network:Warning: Data: AILODSystem_0 (server) sent 2146.5 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2020.02.09-20.37.33:138][214]Network:Warning: Data: AILODSystem_0 (server) sent 165.5 parts per second > 40 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2020.02.09-20.37.34:537][256]Combat:Display: [BP_NPC_Mounts_Horse_Knight3_C_0] Falling Velocity:0.0 Percent of deadly fall velocity: 0.0
[2020.02.09-20.37.34:537][256]Combat:Display: [BP_NPC_Mounts_Horse_Knight3_C_0] Final fall damage:0.0
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:071][272]Combat:Display: [BP_NPC_Mounts_Horse_Knight3_C_0] Falling Velocity:0.0 Percent of deadly fall velocity: 0.0
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:071][272]Combat:Display: [BP_NPC_Mounts_Horse_Knight3_C_0] Final fall damage:0.0
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:140][274]Network:Warning: Data: BasePlayerChar_C_1 (server) received 1083.5 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:143][274]Network:Warning: Data: BasePlayerChar_C_8 (server) received 1212.5 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:379][281]LogMemory:Warning: Freeing 33554432 bytes from backup pool to handle out of memory.
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:379][281]LogMemory:Warning: MemoryStats:
AvailablePhysical 11795099648
AvailableVirtual 140728247697408
UsedPhysical 4334010368
PeakUsedPhysical 4368027648
UsedVirtual 4546371584
PeakUsedVirtual 4584812544
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:379][281]FMallocBinned2 Mem report
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:379][281]Constants.BinnedPageSize = 65536
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:379][281]Constants.BinnedAllocationGranularity = 65536
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:379][281]Small Pool Allocations: 2461.169815mb (including block size padding)
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:379][281]Small Pool OS Allocated: 2477.625000mb
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:379][281]Large Pool Requested Allocations: 1712.495361mb
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:379][281]Large Pool OS Allocated: 1775.687500mb
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:379][281]Requested Allocations: 1712.495361mb
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:379][281]OS Allocated: 1775.687500mb
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:379][281]PoolInfo: 2.125000mb
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:379][281]Hash: 0.125000mb
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:379][281]TLS: 0.375000mb
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:379][281]Total allocated from OS: 4255.937500mb
[2020.02.09-20.37.35:379][281]Cached free OS pages: 0.000000mb

Jeeps happen kng to me too, it’s the servers. And they don’t seem to be doing anything to fix it. It’s probably hosted on an old server that’s not looked after

So, do you think I should switch to another host service than the actual where I’m locating the server ?

That would require you buying your own server. No the developers should look into and fix it, it’s not a new issue

Any mods that might be outdated or incompatible? Sorry, I am bad at reading crash reports.

No mods at all are installed (sorry I should say it before)

Hey @Halendric

Welcome to our community.
You might be luckier trying to find the cause for the crash in this thread dedicated to the server tool:

Thanks for your answer that seems accurate and for this tool who sounds great but, what if I’m my Conan Exiles server is hosted on a distant machine from a server location service from ? I’m not sure I can run this app on the server.

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