Game mode: [Online | Multiplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Performance
Region: [America]
We are geetting server lockups that stick for a few minutes. It boots most people off. I checked the ToggleDebugHUD and the Ping locks into 1020. When this all happens this is what I get in the logs.
[2018.07.15-03.55.21:200][616]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BP_HungerSystem_C [2018.07.15-03.55.21:209][616]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C [2018.07.15-03.55.21:213][616]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C [2018.07.15-03.55.21:250][617]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BP_HungerSystem_C [2018.07.15-03.55.21:260][617]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C [2018.07.15-03.55.21:261][617]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BP_HungerSystem_C [2018.07.15-03.55.21:292][618]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C [2018.07.15-03.55.21:294][618]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BP_HungerSystem_C [2018.07.15-03.55.21:296][618]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BP_HungerSystem_C
We get that but X 100,000+. Also this is on one of our popular RP servers. We are 6 weeks in so not sure if it’s a pile up of stuff going on. It started doing this part way through week 5 I believe where it was noticeable.
Not sure if it’s something triggering it. This was the last thing that happened before this all happened.
[2018.07.15-03.53.44:350][497]Combat:Display: [BasePlayerChar_C_102] Start: -9019.308594 End-10580.34082 Fall Distance: 1561.032227 [2018.07.15-03.53.44:350][497]Combat:Display: [BasePlayerChar_C_102] Falling Velocity:-1767.274536 Percent of deadly fall velocity: 0.548053 [2018.07.15-03.53.44:350][497]Combat:Display: [BasePlayerChar_C_102] Final fall damage:120.845741 [2018.07.15-03.53.44:507][499]Network:Warning: Data: BasePlayerChar_C_196 (server) sent 58.0 parts per second > 40 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds) [2018.07.15-03.53.44:508][499]Network:Warning: Data: BasePlayerChar_C_3 (server) sent 54.0 parts per second > 40 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds) [2018.07.15-03.53.44:508][499]Network:Warning: Data: BP_HL_BuildCeiling_T2_C_162 (server) sent 3188.0 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds) [2018.07.15-03.53.44:508][499]Network:Warning: Data: BP_HL_BuildCeiling_T3_C_46 (server) sent 2477.0 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds) [2018.07.15-03.53.44:508][499]Network:Warning: Data: FunCombat_PlayerController_C_82 (server) sent 1324.0 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds) [2018.07.15-03.53.44:508][499]Network:Warning: Data: BP_BuildTriangleFoundation_T3_Khitai_C_29 (server) sent 3202.5 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds) [2018.07.15-03.53.45:459][518]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C [2018.07.15-03.53.45:648][521]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C [2018.07.15-03.53.45:651][521]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C [2018.07.15-03.53.45:893][526]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C [2018.07.15-03.53.45:950][527]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
- I can’t reproduce it on demand. It just happens.