Server keeps locking up. I have logs

Game mode: [Online | Multiplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Performance
Region: [America]

We are geetting server lockups that stick for a few minutes. It boots most people off. I checked the ToggleDebugHUD and the Ping locks into 1020. When this all happens this is what I get in the logs.

[2018.07.15-03.55.21:200][616]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BP_HungerSystem_C
[2018.07.15-03.55.21:209][616]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C
[2018.07.15-03.55.21:213][616]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C
[2018.07.15-03.55.21:250][617]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BP_HungerSystem_C
[2018.07.15-03.55.21:260][617]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C
[2018.07.15-03.55.21:261][617]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BP_HungerSystem_C
[2018.07.15-03.55.21:292][618]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C
[2018.07.15-03.55.21:294][618]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BP_HungerSystem_C
[2018.07.15-03.55.21:296][618]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BP_HungerSystem_C

We get that but X 100,000+. Also this is on one of our popular RP servers. We are 6 weeks in so not sure if it’s a pile up of stuff going on. It started doing this part way through week 5 I believe where it was noticeable.

Not sure if it’s something triggering it. This was the last thing that happened before this all happened.

[2018.07.15-03.53.44:350][497]Combat:Display: [BasePlayerChar_C_102] Start: -9019.308594 End-10580.34082 Fall Distance: 1561.032227
[2018.07.15-03.53.44:350][497]Combat:Display: [BasePlayerChar_C_102]  Falling Velocity:-1767.274536 Percent of deadly fall velocity: 0.548053
[2018.07.15-03.53.44:350][497]Combat:Display: [BasePlayerChar_C_102] Final fall damage:120.845741
[2018.07.15-03.53.44:507][499]Network:Warning: Data: BasePlayerChar_C_196 (server) sent 58.0 parts per second > 40 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2018.07.15-03.53.44:508][499]Network:Warning: Data: BasePlayerChar_C_3 (server) sent 54.0 parts per second > 40 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2018.07.15-03.53.44:508][499]Network:Warning: Data: BP_HL_BuildCeiling_T2_C_162 (server) sent 3188.0 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2018.07.15-03.53.44:508][499]Network:Warning: Data: BP_HL_BuildCeiling_T3_C_46 (server) sent 2477.0 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2018.07.15-03.53.44:508][499]Network:Warning: Data: FunCombat_PlayerController_C_82 (server) sent 1324.0 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2018.07.15-03.53.44:508][499]Network:Warning: Data: BP_BuildTriangleFoundation_T3_Khitai_C_29 (server) sent 3202.5 bytes per second > 1024 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
[2018.07.15-03.53.45:459][518]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C
[2018.07.15-03.53.45:648][521]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C
[2018.07.15-03.53.45:651][521]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C
[2018.07.15-03.53.45:893][526]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C
[2018.07.15-03.53.45:950][527]LogRep: FRepLayout::UpdateChangelistHistory: History overflow, forcing history dump BasePlayerChar_C

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. I can’t reproduce it on demand. It just happens.
1 Like

How frequently are you rebooting your server?
Are you running the database checker tool?
After you shut down your server, do the game.db-wal and game.db-shm files remaining in the folder?
How many active players do you have online when these issues arise?

We reboot twice a day. Database checker tool comes up clean. Yes the files stay there. It’s sporadic but it’s the most noticeable at 50+. We are also running two mods. At the moment we are removing one mod to see if it still does it. Seems the Fashionist mod isn’t the culprit so we are onto Pippi now.

Just checked both mods. Even scrubbed them out of the database but still doing it.

Sent you a PM mate.