Server transfers and base sizes

To be fair - no one should take my example as any sort of guide for official servers (since I play singleplayer) :slight_smile: But yeah, I guess I consider my current base to be within what I would hope is reasonable (if I get round to my planned building project, I would not consider that so reasonable, since that is essentially a second base of similar size, just because I want to build it, and will serve no meaningful purpose - but that’s part of why I play singleplayer - I harm no-one other than myself by doing such things).

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Yeah, the 1st time I loaded the Dedicated Server on my machine I went at it. 72 hour marathon of building higher, bigger, higher, bigger. It encompassed most of the largest aqueduct in EL until the pieces on one side were so far away they would disappear and the construct as a whole couldn’t rendered from any one vantage point.

I would say your base there was fairly modest… roomy and luxurious but modest in size. What is it, like, 20x12x6 or something like that?

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Maybe a little bigger than that, but probably not a huge amount -

The only additional bit not visible in that shot being the stables out the back (shot from the map room platform)

And arguably the pointless statues - but I wouldn’t do that on an official server as, no matter how decorative, I would think it might also count as a form of foundation spam -

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Looks nice! I like the Neptune dudes marching from the sea. :slight_smile: So generally by my count that’s like 25x25x7(+6 on the extended tower) visible. I recently showed someone else’s base on an official server that was 55x80x11 plus many spammed areas and it also looked like hell. Basically you could have placed 6 or 7 of your entire bases onto his - and if you include his spam areas easily double that - maybe even triple it. LOL :laughing:

There are many bases on the official server I play on that are the same or a bit larger than yours there. Maybe 20 such? Most of them look nice and I can’t imagine anyone getting banned for them. Nor could I imagine yours here, would be considered too large. I dunno that location but otherwise I would give it a full pass - from my understanding of what is OK and not!

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Yeah, location-wise I’d think it should be fine - I think the gatehouse might be blocking a couple of rocks - but the entire building is out in an otherwise empty bay (Exiled Lands, on the border of J5&6), so shouldn’t cause anyone any problems. It doesn’t even prevent people swimming across the bay, since it’s up on stilts (and also they can get into my entire base from down there, lol) - so unless someone really wanted those specific bits of seaweed or orange phykos, I think I’d probably be alright.

It’s nice to get a sense of what sizes people are building on servers as well - I guess maybe my ‘common sense’ about what could be too big may be more conservative than some :laughing:

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Yeah, there’s not much there compared to the surrounding areas - one mini-boss on the island across the way:


On the being conservative thing, yes, I think many people (on these forums) reacted with more fear and trepidation than was actually called for. People coming here and claiming their bases weren’t that big, but didn’t tell us they had a sign spelling TRUMP in foundation blocks 5 high or any number of other ridiculousnesses. LOL :crazy_face:

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It’s completely irrelevant to share bases to try and establish if they are reasonable as the admins make the decision on what is and isn’t acceptable and, without clear guidelines, we have no idea if the bases people are posting are acceptable, or one angry kid’s ticket away from being admin wiped without explanation. How can we have any confidence our views are valid and not just reinforcing misinformation?

One persons excessive is anothers necessary or reasonable. No-one truly knows so It’s guess work. Not sure why you’d need to be a mathematician to work out you have a limit of X building bits/thralls or even bases no larger than x foundations area.

I’m not against limits or cutting down the bonkers foundation spam or million pet armies, but I am for clear guidance. Ignorance of the rules is totally legit when the rules are vague but the consequences for failing to follow them are high.

If you can’t be sure your following the rules because they aren’t clear, that’s an issue. One of your bases above could be ticketed for breaching the rules. Do you know which one? :slight_smile:

thats why this game became a scam and i try to get my money back.( have all dlcs…) …but customer service ignore that…
at least they delete fast ingame …

“cant beat em…report em” …“and decay em” …

I wonder… We’ve heard this from enough people that the sample size (about 10 or 12) dictates there must be an element of truth to it. That is to say: some people are not understanding the rules.

Purely a scientific observation but because they are clear to me now after coming to understand the only unclear sentence therein “in other areas of the game”, and considering the natural variance of measured intelligence we see in any and every group or population - it makes me wonder… Wonder weather it is even possible to make rules that are crystal clear to everyone. Wonder if they should even try - because even writing something the girth of “War And Peace”, spelling out every detail and addressing even the most arbitrary minutiae, there still will be people unwilling and/or incapable of forming and/or imbibing a reasonable understanding. Wonder if indeed it isn’t more efficient to just let the exceptional 10% fall through the cracks and say ridiculous things like “it’s a scam”, without addressing them - knowing if they were to, it would surely backfire. I just wonder sometimes… rather a lot I suppose. :woozy_face: :innocent:

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