OK, Here, I will just make some up for you
- 1 Main Base Less than 8,000 Pieces. Plus either:
- 2 if large. Less than 1,800 Pieces.
- 4 if small. Less than 600 Pieces.
But this is a game for survival gamers, role players and fun seekers not strict mathematicians. Even the Server Admins are humans - I know shocker right…
. So it all just depends - and mainly on common sense - because that is the one thing most of us humans have in common. The shared reality where you pretty much know you’re in bounds, pushing it, or are over the limits!
For example this is my southern neighbor about 200m from me. They’ve been there for over a year:
There are 5 buildings there surrounding the lake and while small, the aesthetic is good and doesn’t seem to encroach but rather, compliment. So if someone complains (and let’s face it there are immature players who like to “tell” on others) the admin being a human, and making a human decision from common sense, will look at that and say either:
- OMG, they’re taking up the entire lake front! They can’t do that! BOOM!
- It looks nice, rather homey… Only 1,200 pieces in all that… Good job! The complainer is probably an angry kid, I’ll leave it alone.
My own common sense says everyone should conclude the later - no doubt! And since it is common sense then the Admin will more than likely conclude the same, choose the later and I’m safe.
Also there is consideration. Consideration for other vets on the map and consideration for people journeying to a location for the first time. For example when I built my base only 200 meters from theirs I climbed all over their base and looked from every vantage point to make sure they couldn’t see my base unless they traveled outside their property.
For someone seeing my base area for the 1st time I built my base so that it didn’t interrupt the natural flow of the biome. I built in a small section of the otherwise expansive redwood forest and I’m interrupting only a small section (about 15m) of a stream - which my common sense tell me I should feel just the tiniest bit guilty about
. I’m covering up the spawn points on one crock, 5 trees and about the same number of rock nodes.
My primary base is LARGE in capacity! The main building has enough space to hold 7 of every crafting bench in the game (currently 4 of the important ones for manufacturing and one or two of all the rest), hundreds of large chests (currently about 82 and I barely notice I have any), a garden with hundreds of planters (currently 78), sleeping for 4 or 5 players, and plenty of room to walk in-between all of those things easily, comfortably, but with convenient access for fast “work”.
The secondary 3-story building is built next door within 5 or 10m and houses the biggest wheel of pain, some large firepits for gruel, the god shrine thinggy, and 12 combat thralls - plus a few greater bears.
There was a tertiary building but I just tore it down because I didn’t like the looks of it and after it was finished the top of it could be seen by the neighbors. I had 4 large animal pens stacked atop one another via pillars and ceiling tiles, with a pyramid sharing the 25x18 platform. When that was up the base was about 5,200 pieces all total.
With the current state of things as described above, it’s 3,400 pieces and change. That includes a large 2.5 story archer wall and platform protecting the western boarder (and 4 horse stalls), I didn’t mention yet. Also, there are 79 combat thralls in total.
Primary base from a distance.
Primary base with secondary base on the right
Floor plan of primary base - on TestLive server.
My common sense tells me I’m safe and within the rules. And if the Admin has a different sense of things, oh well - it’s just a game. I built everything you see here in about 6 hours total (including all the placeables), and I could replace all the materials, special weapons, armor and etc. in just two weeks or less - and have a blast doing it - not a problem.