Server transfers and base sizes


I’ve not played for some time and it looks like there have been a number of changes.

Firstly, I understand I can now transfer between servers. I was told I can transfer every 3 days from an official server to another official server. I only take my inventory and I can return in 3 days to my original map if I don’t want to stay there. Is that the case or are transfers permanent?

Second, I’ve been advised there are now active admins. Wow! Was never a thing. But that people can get banned or bases deleted for infractions such as a base being “too big”. Is there a guide as too what is too big and any other things that might result in a ban or base deletion I might need to know? If ignorance is no excuse, please educate me :slight_smile:



On first if I understand correctly you’re base and everything that you leave on server are destroyed upon leaving but things on you or what feats you learn come with you

On second it’s a bit hard to tell you as there is no official numbers or spot on way building . Read the new rules on the forums here as they can help

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And can I go back to the original server again after 3 days, it’s not a one way ticket, once? Can go on a long weekend break to the exiled lands from Siptah and return 3 days later? :slight_smile:

I’ll have a look see if I can find the new rules.


Edit: Found this. Is it still all correct?

You can swap back and forth but have in mind that you will need someone to keep your base. If you transfer and there is no one left in the clan, you will lose everything. Furthermore, if you transfer and the person in the clan hasn’t logged in a while, some of your stuff may decay (thralls for example).


I do not think you could return to your old base and use it. For example, if you left Exiled Lands, any clan you were a part of would force kick you out and all access to buildings, chests, etc would be removed because of the transfer to Siptah. If you wanted to leave Siptah and return to Exiled Lands after 3 days, you would no longer have any builds/property you left behind before the initial transfer. That is how I understand it.

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But if your old clan mates we’re still there you could rejoin the clan?

Is it 3 days or 7 day cooldown, as the link says 7 but I’ve been told 3.

Blockquote * After you successfully import a character, there is a cool down period during in which you are unable to transfer another character- 24 hours for PvE and 7 days for PvP.

If this has not changed, it says 24 hours for PVE, 7 days for PVP.
If your clan remains on the server and keeps all buildings and thralls from decaying, and you transfer back, assuming they’d allow you to rejoin the clan- only then could you pick up where you left off.

For solo playing is not that easy, because like you read above making a decision to leave one map you loose everything to the one you left.
So, what I suggest is this…
Start from exile lands, take as much as knowledge you can take, a named armorer and a named blacksmith, since in Siptah they are a bit rare. Go in Siptah and spend at least 2 months, farming eldarium and recipes and then decide where to live. Siptah is reach, beautiful, horse land, exotic, but… exile lands are exile lands.
About the building limit is open but clearly too.
Build correctly, without exploits, do not spam land claim foundations, do not block resources or gaming experience and you will have no issues. Most of all, try not to make issues with the other server players, the old rules for players attitude are still on. Most of the bans, if not all of them, started from a Zendesk ticket. These tickets are send from players to report players :man_shrugging:. So try to be reasonable with others and communicate if necessary so you can solve your issues alone and not trough Zendesk. Zendesk must be your very last option.
Welcome back exile :+1:t6:


Agreed. I do wish there were more options for problem-solving in-game before having to report though. Sometimes, players just want one issue solved but not the person to be banned or lose everything.

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@Tystin , I solve my issues only with conversations and patience.
I speak for pve only. Official pve.
I stopped playing pve c the first month I tried.
I believe that pve c is the greatest problem when it comes to communication.
I don’t speak for pvp, because loosing everything and spawn in the desert is the only fact this mode has… Eventually, playing pvp, you will spawn in desert.
So, back to pve…
My farming abilities (sickness) in exile lands allowed me to help almost every new player. The old players mostly invited me to the server, so even the most toxic persons that passed from the server didn’t ever touched me. It helped a lot that @anon83039162 had a chat room and mostly everyone in the server participated in the chat room. Once I made a post about 3728 saying that this official server was a beacon for official servers. We had our bad days but the good ones were so many… Plus I always try to find good in evil, because there is. Most of the “bad” attitudes were just defensive tactics. People have real life problems and sometimes they are overreacting, it needs patience. Maybe I did it too once or twice, it’s part of the game :man_shrugging:, we are humans not… Bots :wink:


Well said. As for PVE, I believe most official server PVE-ers want to play on a server where the community is positive- helping each other with purges, running vaults, trading, assisting a new or returning player build-up by giving them supplies, and generally talking in global and having a good time. Right now, the only way to problem-solve issues is talking in global chat, or if they are hard to catch online, posting a note on a board by their house hoping they read it and not get upset for attempting to establish communication.

Sometimes it’s as simple as “Hey, Jim, you have a fish trap placed over an emote spawn. Could you please move it so I can grab that bottle?”. Other times it’s “Karla, you’re foundation wall is getting a bit too big, it’s taken all of 11/K. Mind rethinking your land claim?”.

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I’ve personally been watching and noting this issue closely and as objectively as I can. It seems to me that size alone within reason, is not an issue. We are all just kind of guessing at a lot of these things but this is what I’ve come to believe - and is also what is reflected in both the spirit and language of the rules to most rational people.

  • Bases are deleted because they cause (too much) server lag:
    • Bases using stacked parts (like >2 or 3 back-to-back fence foundations as walls etc.)
    • Bases that are actually too big. 5k parts is very large, 10k is flipping HUGE, more than that and it might be too big. That’s parts - not placeables.
    • Bases which use too many placeables. I don’t use placeables much so I dunno what number is too much but I imagine it’s in the mid to high thousands and be in addition to an already very large base.
  • Bases are deleted because they are built in the wrong place:
    • Bases in any area of the map that has a name or an icon very close by and on the same general elevation.
    • Bases that block passages otherwise difficult to traverse.
    • Bases that are built too close to known no-build (can’t place blocks here) zones.
    • Bases that cover too many or otherwise important spawn points.
  • Bases are deleted for taking advantage of exploits.
    • I personally don’t understand this one but players are calling this “undermesh” exploits. Apparently there are some vertex or flatness errors in the game’s polygonal maps which players can slip through or behind - and instead of fixing the polygon mesh, Funcom is just telling players not to go there or build there. So, whatever and wherever that is, don’t build inside (or “under”) there.
  • Bases are deleted for taking up too much area or spamming.
    • Bases that use too many orphaned blocks or block-groups littered around. And “too
      many” here is like more than 4 or 5 maybe. Seems people do such things to try and expand their land claim area and/or keep neighbors farther away. Not cool, says Funcom.
    • Bases with large expansive footprints are deleted. Thinking about this rationally will exclude you from deletion but for example a foundation area of 60x60 foundation blocks might only be 3.600 blocks (or 238 without floors) but that covers too much of the map. Lay out a line of 60 blocks and you’ll see what I’m talking about. :astonished:
    • Bases that are satellited all over the map will likely be deleted. One large-ish base per clan is enough for almost any sized clan. I suppose you could get away with two, but a lot of clans are building five and more. No! says, Funcom.
  • Bases that are too weird will be deleted.
    • Bases using blocks to spell out political messages.
    • Building phallic symbols or obscenities as your base.
    • etc.

I think I covered them all. Beyond these things you should be safe. It seems like mostly common sense when you think about it for a minute. There have also been players who claim their base was deleted because Admins were just acting on reports from enemy players without actually checking if the base violated anything. I tend not to believe this but I suppose there could be rare instances of that happening. So, I dunno, be nice to your neighbors maybe? -=shrug=-

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None of those are an issue I think but it’s hard to know without specifics. i appreciate you taking the time to give your interpretation.

I used to build walls “wall>pillar<wall” on a foundation for extra defence and assume that’s still ok as it uses intended snap points (as opposed to fence stack antics).

I tend to spread my assets around in smaller bases rather than the grand design, come raid me base, so might come unstuck with more smaller bases but under 5 seems sensible, though be nice, again, i it was clearly defined.

I guess what is most worrying is anecdotal reports of instances where bases get deleted. Do Funcom not first say “hey guys, you’ve got 6 bases and that’s too many. Can you reduce that number please”. Seems a necessary step when you rules are subjective, vague and very open to misinterpretation. They may be doing this, and if so, great. If not, that’s slightly worrying.

However, what I’m most concerned about right now is how the hell do I get my thralls to use the weapons in their inventory rather than just fist fighting everything?


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Some differ on this but to me the rules are actually pretty clear with only one stipulate questionable “…and in other areas of the game”. My hunch is that they wanna avoid too many pedantic specifics and just let players play within the spirit of some basic guidelines - and I think I can understand that.

No, they don’t. The evil gods from the high mountain just come down and destroy everything. Sometimes there is a warning if you’re looking for it. Like, one guy on the server I play on had a new building addition to his extremely spammy and sprawling property demolished and then two days later, his entire base - everything gone. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t banned with the 1st demolition so I’m going to assume that should have been taken or might even have been intended as a warning shot.

Likewise, I had a satellite base that was too close to a no-build zone destroyed without an accompanying ban. I figured at the time (and this was even before all this recent strictness) it was a sort of warning. etc. You can’t depend on that though and as well, they don’t give specific reasons afterwards either… Just general statements like: It was causing too much server lag. Or: It was blocking resources.

That should be automatic. What weapon(s) are they not using? Sometimes if they’re sucker-punched they will come back with their fists in the 1st round of retaliatory attacks though.

Wow, that’s horrendous right? So you just have hours of you time deleted without so much as a “can you reduce your landclaim”.

Deleted for too close to a no build zone? I’m no genius but isn’t the no build zone designed to stop you building there? If they don’t want you building next to it, maybe increase the no build zone? Or is it because it’s advantageous to have an area of no build by your base?

If some admin is deleting parts of people’s bases as “warnings” wouldn’t it be more effective to just tell them the issue and give them a chance to rectify? It seems that someone may easily miss the warning, or not interpret it as an admin’s actions and therefore it’s as good as no warning. if if it is seen as a warning, a warning of what? You might be violating one of the build rules, but you’ll have to guess which.

This seems bonkers, is it really like that? There was a time you couldn’t get Funcom to do anything even with hard evidence. Now it sounds like its gone the other way. Is that the case?

I don’t think so myself, but everyone has a different take and reaction. For me I think it’s pretty simple, be considerate of other players and don’t be a selfish jerk. Simple as that. And if you gonna be like that then don’t complain when you have to pay the price for it. Of course I’m using “you” to mean anyone and not you, Raa… :smiley:

Thing is there are several levels between Angel and Jerk.

I’ve made numerous small bases on servers, particularly when zerg clans rock up. For solo/small clans it’s the best way to survive. I’m not doing it to be a jerk, just if I don’t spread and hide my assets i’ll be wiped. Now how many small stash bases is ok? At what point am I being a jerk and going to get admin wiped. Sure 20 is silly, even 10, but what about 5? :slight_smile:

If I knew the number I could stay below it but “not too much” is pretty subjective.

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OK, Here, I will just make some up for you :wink: .

  • 1 Main Base Less than 8,000 Pieces. Plus either:
    • 2 if large. Less than 1,800 Pieces.
    • 4 if small. Less than 600 Pieces.

But this is a game for survival gamers, role players and fun seekers not strict mathematicians. Even the Server Admins are humans - I know shocker right… :astonished: . So it all just depends - and mainly on common sense - because that is the one thing most of us humans have in common. The shared reality where you pretty much know you’re in bounds, pushing it, or are over the limits!

For example this is my southern neighbor about 200m from me. They’ve been there for over a year:

There are 5 buildings there surrounding the lake and while small, the aesthetic is good and doesn’t seem to encroach but rather, compliment. So if someone complains (and let’s face it there are immature players who like to “tell” on others) the admin being a human, and making a human decision from common sense, will look at that and say either:

  • OMG, they’re taking up the entire lake front! They can’t do that! BOOM!
  • It looks nice, rather homey… Only 1,200 pieces in all that… Good job! The complainer is probably an angry kid, I’ll leave it alone.

My own common sense says everyone should conclude the later - no doubt! And since it is common sense then the Admin will more than likely conclude the same, choose the later and I’m safe.

Also there is consideration. Consideration for other vets on the map and consideration for people journeying to a location for the first time. For example when I built my base only 200 meters from theirs I climbed all over their base and looked from every vantage point to make sure they couldn’t see my base unless they traveled outside their property.

For someone seeing my base area for the 1st time I built my base so that it didn’t interrupt the natural flow of the biome. I built in a small section of the otherwise expansive redwood forest and I’m interrupting only a small section (about 15m) of a stream - which my common sense tell me I should feel just the tiniest bit guilty about :slight_smile: . I’m covering up the spawn points on one crock, 5 trees and about the same number of rock nodes.

My primary base is LARGE in capacity! The main building has enough space to hold 7 of every crafting bench in the game (currently 4 of the important ones for manufacturing and one or two of all the rest), hundreds of large chests (currently about 82 and I barely notice I have any), a garden with hundreds of planters (currently 78), sleeping for 4 or 5 players, and plenty of room to walk in-between all of those things easily, comfortably, but with convenient access for fast “work”.

The secondary 3-story building is built next door within 5 or 10m and houses the biggest wheel of pain, some large firepits for gruel, the god shrine thinggy, and 12 combat thralls - plus a few greater bears.

There was a tertiary building but I just tore it down because I didn’t like the looks of it and after it was finished the top of it could be seen by the neighbors. I had 4 large animal pens stacked atop one another via pillars and ceiling tiles, with a pyramid sharing the 25x18 platform. When that was up the base was about 5,200 pieces all total.

With the current state of things as described above, it’s 3,400 pieces and change. That includes a large 2.5 story archer wall and platform protecting the western boarder (and 4 horse stalls), I didn’t mention yet. Also, there are 79 combat thralls in total.

Primary base from a distance.

Primary base with secondary base on the right

Floor plan of primary base - on TestLive server.

My common sense tells me I’m safe and within the rules. And if the Admin has a different sense of things, oh well - it’s just a game. I built everything you see here in about 6 hours total (including all the placeables), and I could replace all the materials, special weapons, armor and etc. in just two weeks or less - and have a blast doing it - not a problem.

Well now I feel like I’m just not trying hard enough :laughing: My base barely has room for one of each bench (and at last count uses more build pieces than yours…). Maybe if I hadn’t built a large entrance hall/throne room, plus the bar, the bedroom, office, dressing room/armour and weapon display etc… But come on, these things are totally necessary, right? :wink:

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Yeah, you’re roll playing it to the max… I’m more of a utilitarian with bizarre sense of art. :smiley:

But this is good. The more examples we can give each other of what we actually consider to be common sense the better for all.

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