Settings reset after game restart

Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [NA]

Gameplay and Control settings reset to default values after every game restart.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.Load into a server
2.Change nudity settings and control sensitivity
3.Log out of server and quit game
4.Start game and load back into server to find settings reset

If you aren’t too far along and don’t mind starting over, choosing the server settings before you create a character will stop this.

There are ways to fix it without losing progress, but I’m not a console player so I don’t know if they would work on Xbox.

Maybe one of our console friends could shed more light on the subject?

There is no ‘apply changes’, no ‘save changes’. Been like this since i started playing. Every time i log in i have to adjust cam sensitivity to use a bow.

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