Server settings reverting to default or not staying set

Game mode: [Co-op | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Misc]
Region: [Here]

So every time I try to set my game settings to include increased resource respawn and partial nude it either doesn’t take or it reverts back, I know this has been an issue for awhile but I did have it working before, does anyone know how to fix this?

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I have the same issue along with my friend that also plays.

The only setting that saves for me is the inverted Y option. We both have to go through and change our settings each time we load the game.

I am noticing this issue is only occuring on Co-Op or servers, but not solo “offline” play.

Seems private Servers have this problem now to.
Since you can not set Stamina Costs out of Game it always had to be set in Game.
Now In Game settings dont stay as well anymore for all Settings.

Hey there,

We’re aware of this issue and our team is working on a fix to be released as soon as possible.
Thanks for your patience and feedback.

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