Several Armors missing from Garrison and Campaign Armor bench

So, Horned Heavy Plated Helmets, Heavy Plated Helm, Heavy Leather Plated Helm, Black Hand Trousers and Vest, and Stygian Set stuff aren’t craftable at the highest level benches?

Intended or no?

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Are you using a named armorer for them?

Not intended. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s what my menus looks like… You have missing stuff? Maybe you need to enable the feat for Legendary on those pieces or something, no? Or, bug?

I didn’t include the ethnic items at the top though… some 12 or 14 pieces this thrall can make.

Been like this for a while now

It annoys me when using these high tier benches I also need the improved bench for the remaining armours -.-

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Yep. Name escapes me right now, but I know I knocked his butt out from a Dogs Camp and at the Imp. Bench the armors show up fine. Moved him to a Garrison Bench and they wouldn’t show.

Pic confirms mine. Black Hand Trousers and vest and set priesty stuff aren’t there…

Well shoot then, I guess I should move this to bug reports…

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Yeah, the more people report issues the more likely it will get fixed in the future

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You can use my graphic for the report if you like. But I don’t think I can make Black Hand in any crafting station. Mainly I compared by looking for Stygian - which I know I have and is there - Stygian Heavy right column, third row from the bottom, etc.

This is my fault for using poor wording, by Stygian I meant the armors that look like the Set Priest outfit.

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Oh - LOL, I have those in my bench… Those are the ones I cut. :persevere: Those are thrall dependent as I understand it.

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Ah kk lol.

Still, it was driving me nuts when I switched my Armorer between the two and was like WTF.

Yeah, if you want the different “armors” there then you need a thrall from that ethnicity. I think any level will do but I’m not sure as anything below Level III is too slow and doesn’t offer a noticeable speed increase from just the bare thralless bench. I use Stygian for everything - even fighters. One, because they’re camped all around my base (lazy me) and two, they seem to be the best medium grade thralls - and I like the medium graders because they break in the wheel faster and the fighters train to 10, 15, and 20, at a reasonable rate - important when leveling an entire army. :smiley:

Except, err, I just noticed those are Derketo…
Umm, OK, now I’m confused too. LOL


Oh gawd, what have you started??? :smiley:

Now another question… Why are the Zamorians copying the Derketorites and why does my Stygian thrall know this - was she passed around between the nations? Have I recieved used goods? :female_detective:


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And to think this whole issue started with me freaking out because my son was all “Dad, I think there’s a problem on the server…”

Here I was thinking I was gonna have to rebuild a ton of crap but he brings this to my attention and…well yeah.

Hey FC, get 'er fixed!