Share your Shelter

That’s is the most beautiful building I have ever seen :heart_eyes:

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That’s a beautiful manor. :star_struck:

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my khitan city after couple of weeks



sorry for so many photos


Nothing to apologize about.

One thing that strikes me about this game is the creativity it has unleashed among many of us.


A work on official that i will probably destroy once the update is up to replace it by a big castle i guess.
I wanted to build something that feel alive, i have no interest to have a ghost town.

Just in case you are wondering:
Most have a crafting station inside so very few buildings are there for decoration.
Also, the interiors are not overdecorated.
when i build this, i tried to stick with the ToS.

Those two a re my best temples, the others…not so much.

Official oblige, i avoided to decorate the streets

Of course i did some taverns:

Probably one of the few building i’ll keep, the prison.

The little treasure room of my bank:

All in all, even if i stopped to finish the town because of the update, i’m still satisfied albeit that the construction was a bit anarchic: There was the ground constrain and i am terrible at planning anything.


The house of crab

La cité pour faire la bagarre qui vas bien
Et le crabe, il aime bien jouer à la bagarre avec ces grosses pinpince

Manque plus que le pub pour la 3eme mi-temps


Le text Rp

Et oui!!
10 euro l’entrée, vous avez bien compris!
Pour seulement 10 euro
Vous allez vivre la meilleur attraction de tout le serveur!
Pour seulement 10 euro
Vous allez pouvoir:

  • Vous faire ébouillanter !
  • vous faire goudronner !
  • Vous faire bruler vif !
  • Vous faire gazer !
  • Vous faire acidifier !

Et si cela n’était pas encore assez

Vous finirez tailladé en petits morceaux par nos barbares préféré !!!

Et tout cela pour la modique sommes de 10 euro !

Venez nombreux pour vivre la plus belle mort dont vos puissiez rêver!


Aucun remboursement envisageable
Payement en espèce uniquement
Pour toutes réclamations, veuillez contacter notre SAT
(Service après torture)

Notre bourreau, ce feras un plaisir de vous achever


edittttttt!!! grave super trop important en plus

MER…credi… j’ai oublié la p’tite zik qui vas bien


Our new Hell pit on Wyrms Bane. It’s a really good model for high lvl purges and it allows multi-player engagement!


did you manage to place the mercenary banner?

I haven’t tried yet because I can’t place them on my land
I haven’t found the reason, do you know the reason?

a condition for placing them?

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This is a really annoying bug really annoying! But most of the times that i managed to place the banner was firstly on foundations and secondary on open spaces. That’s why i created the hell pit, to be sure that the banner will “probably” work and it did :tada::tada::tada:.
The previous purge bases i was creating were narrow, just to make sure that the npcs won’t round me. This however was creating more issues than good, so this time i made an arena to have space for everything and multi player choice of course. Yesterday i was doing purges with my son on pvp server and we were constantly hitting each other. Now the arena went flawless, the npcs were magnetized from the archers around and they were becoming easy targets. Above all me and @sestus2009 had the space to attack without the fear that we’ll hurt each other since his server is pve-c.
We had to fix some of my mistakes in the beginning, but after that the purges were working flawless and we had a blast. We didn’t enjoy ballista yet, but it’s coming :laughing:. It’s a good model to fix an arena for purges after all, try it and see, you’ll love it.

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I was going to work on my base on the beta server but just kept gettign side tracked :flushed:

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Contemplating demolishing this village and rebuilding it at The Crevice so it’ll have a smaller footprint and my artisan thralls won’t wander off.





I can image the frames on cinematic mode haha
Amazing build


That is INSANE!

Now I’m ate up with envy.


Mise à jour pour l’ouverture de la gogole Tower
Feu d’artifice prévu quand j’aurais envie :partying_face:
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