Siptah : does lower level surges also bring t4 crafters?

we all know that 1000 swirling chaos surges brings a good deal of t4s in general,

back in the day they were the only surges capable of brinigng good t4s, do the surges below 1000 chaos have a chance to bring it?

THANKS! in advance for your answers.

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I have found Surges to be consistently unreliable in providing T4 crafters.


well i get somewhere between 2 to 5 t4 crafters on each big surge (1000 swirling chaos) , my question goes for the smaller surges you can summon.

has anyone experienced finding t4 crafters from those lower level surges?

I don’t get them unless it’s around 1,000 but it has also been a while since I’ve ran them.

Might be something to goof off on single player with.

Only tier 4 Surges (with 1000 swirling chaos exactly) have named thralls (mixed in with T1-T3 thralls and one and three skull enemies.).

The others have T1-3 thralls and one and three skulled non-thrallable enemies, but no named.


You’re not doing the proper surge then if they are not reliable.

Every level 4 Surge brings t4 Crafters.

Well that’s good to know.

There is no way we could just have different RNG.

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This matches my experience.

Sometimes a t3 surge will have uniquely attired thralls but never named ones. At least in the half dozen or so that I’ve done.

thank yoi i asked since i had no idea if surges changed over the years,

the other great thing is siptah surge t4s comes with faction clothes, they set appart from the others that comes with rags, haha

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Exactly what you said!
Why to do lower tier purges however?
A bunch of hardened steel weapons even from tier 1.
A bunch of feasts and buff foods, especially in Siptah that cooking recipes are a thing.
Often legendary weapons on final bosses and…

Especially on south you have Amazon crafters or completely naked ones.
Lower tier surges can make you rich and powerful extremely fast.
When i create new characters in Siptah as soon i can fix a dismantling bench i start low tier surges to go very easy and very fast end game even from low level.

It’s so true, rng is a ■■■■■ in this game especially when you focus on specifics.
Often when i do tier 4 surges i go with one greater and one normal (t2) wheel. That means at least 12 captures.
I had surges that i didn’t fill the tier 2 and surges that i was waiting something to end so i can put more. Crafters (t4) in this age seemed not so certain as they use to be. I had surges with absolute zero crafters and surges giving me almost one of each and i was omg!!! But guess what? These crafters appear when my wheels were full :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Like i said i love crafters dressed differently and in times i get lower just for decoration. Then “milky” Darfari female warriors is something i always wanted in this game :rofl:, so if i find a moooo no mater the tier, she is knocked down brother, she comes home :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

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i do have a vast collection of thralls from the very first purge that came along whjen it was firstly implemented in fact i have some totally naked t4 crafter thralls that came when the system was introduced. there are a few thralls i am missing from purges. both t4 aesier taskmaster , thats a pair i have not seen . recently i got harald the white, (comes dressed as norheimer) but those 2 taskmaster is all what i am missing … have you guys seen it? if so , how often?

i think i am missing about a few thralls not more than 5 from purges.

i was able to move all my thrall collection from EL to siptah when transfer were a thing. pm me, and i will give you a tour to probably one of the most complete crafter thrall collection on officials :slight_smile:

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Have several of those two taskmasters but they weren’t exactly common. I did a lot of the Aesir surges. Course there is the random factor too.

Took a bit to find Karl. Queue the that’s what she said joke.


i guess i will have to do a lot of those until i get them ! thanks!
did you capture those recently?

his last name is “Smallwood” :slight_smile:
I have him so far, not the other. He dropped for me sometime in chapter three

The Aquilonian, Yoggite and one or two I’m forgetting actually have quite high T4 chances. So if you didn’t juice up the surge high enough to get those guys, it won’t have T4 thralls. Manhunters, amazons, vanir loysings, etc don’t have T4’s at all.

we are just collectors, the world spawns are easier and do the same, but some of us likes to colelct rare thralls :slight_smile:

starting the hunt for those two

The yoggite surge has some funny names in them… furlicker comes to mind

It has been quite a while actually. At least a year, possibly two.

Yep right there with you. Love doing t4 Surges to collect thralls.

South always gave lots of t4 Crafters and aside from being naked on the bench I have always liked the white glow tattoos.

Center is my favorite. Karthok and Onna are excellent well rounded fighters.

I’ve definitely done more South, Center and North surges than the others.