One of the few times it worked “well” was when I was making it so I could make a nice video of it, so a lot was expected to be well.
Fatalities, like many things in CE, are nice ideas, done themselves somewhat well. The problem comes not in “how to do it” but “when to do it”.
You should have an “if” to control:
If you are surrounded, dont do fatalities. The only way for that to not end up causing problems are designs that really do not work, like specific fatality command, enable invulnerability while doing it, or removing interaction while doing it. None of those will work well in many circumstances. The simplest solution would be to do it only if you are far enough from other enemies, or that is the last enemy.
There is a lengthy talk on GDC about “taking control of player character”, and Funcom seems to not have received that memo. Fatalities always cause problems when they happen while you lost control of your character for some reason (knock back, finishers, multiple fatality sources at the same place). The shortest way to solve this is have a check that overall manages “how long the player loses control of their character”, no matter for what reason. And FFS (for funcom sakes), stop solving all balance and AI issues with taking control away. That gets messy really quick.
For now, I guess it is just deactivate for me, until further notice, or until a mod for making it work right is feasible.
I have been running fatalities quite well cos I always do it when I choose to do it. If I don’t want to trigger fatalities I just step back and let the dazed enemy hanging while I deal with the others.
If you are surrounded you are dead, with or without fatalities. They will just stun lock you to the next life. However with fatalities, you can actually have a chance of survival since you become invincible during it to recover all stanima and you gain a chunk of health instantly from it. And by the time the invincibility expires you might get lucky enough your enemies are recovering from their last attack and you can fight back.
If there’s one thing, I do suggest assign another button to trigger fatalities.
Nobody want unintended “random” actions.
They are a bit of a mess on PlayStation. They don’t activate all the time, in fact most of the time my dude stops stands in front of the stunned npc and does absolutely nothing till they npc falls over. Ive already got them switched off on my private server. Just another mechanic in the game that does not work as intended. It’s a long and illustrious list
Don’t worry it’s not a Playstation thing. They don’t always work on PC either. It’s just average Funcom coding (maybe better than average actually, they are capable of far worse).
I did 2 fatalities, then my character was locked out from any action. I couldn’t attack or roll. Just when I thought this game couldn’t get more broken.
Fatalities are bugged as such since it was a Test Client thing only.
And there were “not enough posts apparently” about how broken it was.
It is sad that instead of fixing or postponing them for that, they decided to put it broken in the game.
I understand as any developer would, that “feature locked” exist and it is not just an “Ion type excuse”. But you cannot be feature locked in a feature that does not work.
But what is a “Ion type excuse” is seeing a Thrall inside a foundation and not even remark on it, having the community guy to do so:
They are so… annoying.
There this one is, minding their own business, hacking thru hoards of Stygian war slaves when suddenly, instead of cleaving thru several in a go, this one starts slow walking around to then, two seconds later, strike down a no longer concern worthy enemy. All while the demolishers walk on past and other enemies gather to ensure a stunlock as soon as the execution finishes.
Without saying anything about the pure immersion annihilation of invincibility frames while conducting the execution, it ruins the rhythm of combat.
That said, if it was tied to buttons other than regular and heavy attacks, it wouldn’t be an issue. Binding execution to the button one will be clicking to kill other foes is the biggest problem.