Some looted braziers cannot be picked up or destroyed once placed

Where: PC, TestLive online server PVE, Exiled Lands

What: The huge eldarium looking braziers that are found as loot cannot be picked up or destroyed once placed.

See screenshots for details:

If you hold on down interact while aiming at the item, does the menu pop up? You may have to select demolish instead of using the repair hammer.

edit: I can’t even find that item to spawn it and try it out. You say you got that from random loot?

Yeah this is random loot from chests in dogs of the desert camps (Exiled lands, online testlive) I’ve gotten a few already, doesn’t seem too rare.
There is no demolish option by long pressing ‘E’, just interact and cancel (Gears and X)
Interacting in any way just opens the inventory slot to put fuel in (one slot)
You can probably spawn it in admin mode to see the problem
Try ‘Brazier’ in admin panel?

It’s not there. Looking at the health that’s like a world asset or something us mere mortals should not have access to. On the Official Testlive server correct?

yep, this is on the official pve testlive server, I also cannot find this thing in admin panel

For the devs, this item should clearly not be lootable by us. Item # 95558

and a note: if you build it on a foundation then destroy the foundation it goes away. So a temp work around if you want this to be a part of your base

This is the eldarium brazier from Siptah map layshrines.
It is not in admin panel because it is a world asset and could be spawned only via use of specific mods.
Guess some dev just didn’t bother to even check rng tables.

That explains why it can’t be removed/dismantled and has no decay timer, well hopefully it will be removed before chapter 2 goes live.

Thing is, this sort of crap gets more common every day. It’s like they got interns doing the work.

It gets even better the more you play.
From looks alone and some npcs spawn testing EL and Siptah share the same npcs loot table so Siptah drops like voidforge or siptah specific legendary items and epic gear can be dropped on EL.

And this is the company making Dune.

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