Unfortunately not. At least I haven’t seen one.
This is an issue has been around for a very long time.
It was originally worse then it is now, I believe there was a patch that initially introduced it, I think it was a change in the UI.
FC have improved the issue since then but not much.
There’s many posts regarding this issue. As it doesn’t completely stop gameplay, it’s probably quite low on the fix list.
Game mode: [Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [EU]
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
Uncheck Show Contextual Controls
Exit and quit game
Log into game
Show Contextual Controls is checked
Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Misc]
Region: [Here]
Every time I log into the game the contextual controls are turned on and are on the screen. I’ll go into the settings, turn them off, and they stay off the entire time I’m playing, but the next time I log in they’re turned on again. This has been an issue for quite some time now
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
Game mode: Online PvP Private Server
Problem: BUG
Region: US
I turn off contextual control tips (among other HUD elements) for a cleaner experience. It works as intended until I place a thrall. After placing the thrall, the control tips remain on screen for the remainder of my session.
Toggling on / off again the option in the settings menu doesn’t resolve.
I believe this bug is tied to my profile. My roommate also plays CE on a different Xbox. She doesn’t have this bug when playing on my …
I can turn my contextual controls off but then If I have to relog or next time I play it’s right back.
Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [Here]
[Free text]
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
Game mode: Singleplayer
Problem: Bug
Region: Gameplay option menue
press button options on gamepad, select gameplay, and make the 3 box from above,
the contextual display off, start game new, and you see, the display is on again
a post from 2018 Sep . have, so i think the same bug, but the post is closed.
thanks, and best regards
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
Open option menue / make hook away from contextual option
3.close game
4.start gam…
Game mode: [ Singleplayer]
Problem: [ Bug | Performance | Misc]
Every time I boot the game up I need to go into settings and turn off the “show contextual controls” option again. It remembers to keep the other 2 settings I like to turn off (show help when building, and show journey steps) but it keeps turning the contextual controls back on.
If I go back out to the main menu and load back in, it stays off as long as i have the game running. However once I tell the xbox to quit the game compl…
Game mode: [Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [Here]
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
Go to Settings > Gameplay
Apply changes
Restart game
The settings should be checked again
Game mode: Online & Singleplayer
Problem: Bug
Region: NA
With the 1.16 patch we now have a separate checkbox for “Show Contextual Controls” in the “Settings Menu” I prefer to play with a minimal UI so I’ve noticed my setting is not saved. Every time I start the game I have to uncheck the new box to remove the onscreen buttons.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
Launch game, Uncheck Show Contextual Controls from Settings>Gameplay Menu
Save Settings and play game without onscreen controls
Game mode: [Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [NA]
Show Contextual Controls, in Gameplay Settings is not saving if unchecked, it stays off during the play session, and a reset, but exiting the game and turning the game back on and the Contextual Controls is checked again, Workaround:un-check Show Contextual Controls
After entering the Witch Queens Lair where the door closes behind you, go down the first flight of stairs, look down and see the gold trim on your left and right, if you s…
Game mode: [Online
Problem: misc
Region: east us
When I turned off “contextual controls” it keeps them off until the next time I log in, then they are back. Having tutorial controls refusing to stay turned off is becoming an annoyance.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.turn off contextual controls and save
2.play some then exit to dashboard
3.log into conan exiles server
4.see the controller tips appear on the lower right side of the screen
Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [ Bug ]
Region: [Here]
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
Set above settings.
Quit game.
Start game.
Settings not saved.
why does the contextual controls keep reappearing after selecting to remove them from screen? It’s very annoying to have to remove them everytime.
I’ll betcha it’s a new bug they didn’t anticipate, they changed the menu around to split “Show Help When Building” and “Show Contextual Controls”
Even that change isn’t working quite right, I filled a bug report about it not saving.
I could continue, but I think you get the idea
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