Sound getting worse

i have a problem with conan exiles the sound of the entire game is getting worse , i set up all leavers to max the only thing i hear is a little sound, all my settings on my pc work perfekt , with any other game, any movie i watch even if i hear musik everything works like it should only conan is as if the sound is nearly to lowest lvl possible … this is going now since weeks, and i nearl have no sound in the game, and if i forget i put everything on my computer external sound enahncsers back to normal, it smashes glass a room below, if i start a movie… pls fix this problem …

[Describe the bug here]

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

Hey @Rastulla

This seems an isolated problem since we’ve received no other reports about it. As a general workaround tip, we would recommend to keep all system drivers up to date to prevent possible compatibility issues with your particular set of hardware.

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