Stability after age of war update benchs gone

Stability issue. Where there is no issues with the stability after update bench Disappearing losting everything is gone on the first floors official servers 3424 3324 4333 3975 server but when Everything is on Foundation. No stability lost. Event log shows Stability lost. Which is not true Everything is at a 100%. Items on 2nd floor of each base are there? Seems like issue on first Floor items. Saying lost Stability.

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A lot of us are experiencing this right now. The devs did make a post saying they are aware of it and are looking into the problem. It appears to only affect Nemedian build sets, so if you have a base made from that, try to move it out. Also, do not add on to or modify any base that has Nemedian foundations.

Well i hope they plain on giveing us stuff for loseing everything in those benchs and give us the name thrails back as well if not ill be done with official servers.

Wouldn’t be too optimist about getting anything back.

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