Stability loss and assets missing...after update Age of War

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE-Conflict
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1036
Mods: none

Bug Description:

Tinkerers bench and large chests gone (AGAIN)

Bug Reproduction:

Log into the server…

The large chest and Tinkerers bench were NOT placed on these rugs… I don’t care about the rugs… but lost all the chest contents and 2 named thralls again… very annoying.

Its not horrible I can replace them… but I will report this anyway… let’s not ignore the issue that has happened to many times already.

We want active game updates, not active game breaks.


Same here. But I’m on a dedicated server with Stability Loss Multiplier set to 0, so nothing should be losing stability.
Initially I thought it was a mod, since all my benches were from the Beyond Stations mod. But then I noticed that my basic bed was missing as well.


Platform: Steam PC
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1522
Mods: none

Yeah same thing happened to me. Event Log shows things decaying seconds before I logged in after downloading the AoW patch. I had just logged off at 4 am … waited for patch, then logged back in at around 8 am (central U.S.) and POOF! Bunch of chests gone … Epic Weapons GONE … Thralls I had been farming to get ready for all the nerfing … GONE. Chest filled with leathers and hardened Leathers and mats for all the new armors for AoW … GONE. Stuff that took hours and hours of farming to get ready for AoW … GONE.

They better FIX this. This is getting ridiculous.


also happen to me, lost a lot of chest, a lot of loot, all we did was replace a staircase that they flipped backwards somehow, come on funcom.


i lost all stations and chest except 1 in my singleplayer game :smiley:
and it was standing on 1 layer of foundations out in the open. haha RIP to all official players.


I have the same issue. I log in today to check out the new update and a lot of my crafting benches and a lot of chests with a lot of stuff in them have disappeared. The server log says that they have lost stability, but how can that be when they were built on top of foundations and I have been playing for months without this happening? This sucks man, I want the materials and items I have grinded for months back!!! Fix your game FUNCOM!

P.S. How tf do we contact support???


Private Dedicated Server PvE
Server setting: No stability
No mods

Lost a lot of crafting benchers and t4 thralls in them. Chairs, tables etc. Just vanished. But strangely only from Nemedian buildings/floors.


Greetings exiles!

Thank you for taking the time to report this situation to us.

Regarding the issue, did any items disappear that were not placed on foundations? If so, which ones did?

All my floors are Nemedian … but only lost half … all my stuff was on Foundations … Nemedian Foundations. Some stuff poofed and some did not. For example … one chest filled with Epic weapons on Nemedian foundation poofed but another also on Nemedian foundation across the room did not.


@RitualGround some chest were placed on other chest, but a lot of things that disappeared WHERE on a foundation. but a transport stone, and sorcery table(thermatury) or w/e sorry cant spell it a little tilted. disappeared.

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I logged in after the update, all my chests and fridges are gone, (there were 12 chests and 4 fridges) I logged in again but they don’t reappear no matter how long I wait.

Hello @Lupine,

Thank you for reporting this issue to us.

We have some questions for you if that’s alright.

  • Are you playing on an Official or Private Server?
  • Are you using any mods?
  • Could you send us a screenshot of the Event Log where it shows these items decaying?

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

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Servidor Official server #1976 PvE

(No mod)

I’m trying to put the screenshot but it says here that new users can’t, but in the server log it says that as soon as the server started my chests and refrigerators lost stability.



Thank you for the information!

Can you try to send the image again? You should have the clearance for it now.

Thank you again.

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Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: -
Mods: -

Bug Description:

Benches, chests, decorative items randomly disappearing, nothing shows up in logs. Placed on 1st level of Stormglass foundations, so no stability issue.

Bug Reproduction: No idea how to reproduce.

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Hello @mellyb,

Thank you for reporting this issue.

We have a couple of questions for you so we can understand the issue better if that’s okay.

  • Are you currently using any mods?
  • Does this issue occur when you first log in or does it randomly happen while you are playing?
  • Does it happen right after the Server restarts or is it random?

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

All the crafting benches and all the chests that I lost were placed on top of Nemedian foundations. I have played this game for months, I experienced tons of bugs, but nothing like this. I want to know how are you fixing this and how are we getting compensated? Because even if you refund me the money that I have paid for the new season pass, this is not remotely close to all the stuff that I have lost back in base, on an official server too!!!


do server rollbacks, like legit this is crazy and patch just came up and a lot of people losing there stuff, months of work. some stuff cant be replaced.


I can now confirm that all things I lost was on nemedian foundations. As you can see from screenshots Ceiling are fine.

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