Stamina stopped regenerating

Basic Info:

Platform: Xbox Series S
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 2725

Bug Description:

Stamina is not regenerating after fighting and running. Can this be fixed? Please. I have logged out of the game fully and even restarted my game and yet it’s not regenerating. Even standing still isn’t regenerating my stamina. I have pictures but I can’t post them on here also a video of me trying to get on my horse but it keeps saying I’m to exhausted.

Bug Reproduction:

Stood still not regenerate, logged off the game and restarted my console and still not regenerated.

Try to remove your bracelet itshould correct it self when you get back jusr make sure you drop a bed roll to come back at to get your equipment


Thank you so much for your report.

I reported this issue and we will try to investigate it as soon as possible, meanwhile, we appreciate your patience.

If any more information pops up, feel free to reach out to us :smile:

1 Like

Did you try taking off the bracelet? Did it work?

My stamina bug is fixed

Yes but that’s only a temporary solution and I did that after I posted this. I play a lot of Conan during the day so I have to remove it several times during IRL times of the day.

Thank you

My stamina bug is back :weary:

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