Stamina not regenerating after being used

Since Age of Heroes update I’ve been plagued with my character’s stamina bar not regenerating after use in sprinting, climbing, fighting, harvesting and other task’s stamina is used. I very much enjoy playing Conan Exiles but this makes the game not much fun to play and actually quite unplayable, until this problem/bug is fixed I unfortunately will be playing other games.

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Remove your bracelet and die. This helps.

I have an idea why this is happening. It happens to if I logged out sleeping in bed. Maybe this is the problem

It happens in many situations. sorry i think thats not the reason.
Yesterday i logged in, walk few steps and stamina f**** up… thats what other gamers told to… no reason at all, sometimes in fight, sometimes during walking.
True, - the only way to reset is to die.
so allways take a placeable bedroll with you.


Thank you so much for your report.

I reported this issue and we will try to investigate it as soon as possible, meanwhile, we appreciate your patience.

If any more information pops up, feel free to reach out to us :smile:

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