I am unsure of what needs to be updated, but I am unable to run as a character at the moment in Conan Exlies. I have logged out and back in multiple times and given a good 4 hours in between logging back in to see if perhaps it was a glitch. I am still unable to have any stamina regenerate and would like an update patch out asap if possible. Server 1732 PVE, PC.
I get the same thing, but only after logging in. It happens, Stamina will not regain. You can not fight, jump, run or anything else of course. Place a bedroll, remove bracelet, respawn at bedroll, - fixes it temporarily. It will happen again, usually at most inopportune time. Appears as though Thralls following you are also effected as during combat, they seem to stop moving, stop attacking and will stay in that position getting beat on, until you kill all enemies and combat ends. Not sure if they are just losing their combat target or what is going on.
Stamina refresh has to process through the game server. So - if no one is getting stamina refreshed on 1732 PvE… that server may be having an issue.
You may want to see about opening a Zendesk ticket to alert the operations folks to your issue.
I appreciate the tip, will give it a try and love any small workarounds as it allows gametime, which Conan is one of the best so, greatly appreciated. It would be something to do with the server refreshing so I appreciate the guidance there too, thank you both for your time and efforts, Ill create a ticket with Zendesh
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