Star Metal Ore spawning but gives no material when harvested?

Hey all,

I’m having issues with getting Star Metal, I have the resource node in front of me but when mine it I get nothing? Some info: it’s in my SP game and I have come to learn that I need to manually spawn the meteor shower with a command, I’m using an Aceronian pick so higher then steel, and I opened the node with both a grease orb and demon-fire orb. Even hitting the node gives the animation that its depleting and will eventually disappear.

Does any one have any ideas of what would cause this? Is there something I need to find before I can get resources from Star Metal? Or possible a mod that I have on that’s not allowing me to harvest?

-Update! I restarted my game while standing beside the ore after its had the hard shell taken off and its disappeared… but I’m not sure if that’s just the world reloading because i have technically have depleted the node.

Thanks for taking a read,



Star metal can only be harvested by a pick that’s Tier 4 or higher.
The pick you’re using is supposed to be T4 unless some of your mods change that somehow. Maybe try a star metal pick just to test it.

Overall yes, mods can very much so interfere with that, you can try disabling half at a time till you find the culprit though.

And yes, when you’re playing single player your game is also the server, so everything resets when you restart it, that includes all star metal nodes despawning as they’re not persistent, so it wasn’t because you previously harvested it, but from the restart itself


Well I was really trying not to open the cheat panel but you nailed it for some reason the only pick that can harvest Star Metal is a Star Metal Pick? Both Harden Steel pick and Steel Pick get nothing, so it would have been impossible for me to get star metal without spawning in a pick I guess. Must be a mod messing with it.

Well, thank you for replying!

Welcome to the forum! No if you don’t have materials to fix a star metal pick, you can have the materials to fix an acheronian pick, which is same tier! Then again the khitan merchants sell black blood tools and you can learn the obsidian tools as well! Last but not least you can use sorcery to farm your first star metal ores, fix your tools and then go back to continue farming…
Options exists, a lot actually :wink:

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I’m pretty sure that’s some issue with their mods though, Hardened steel pick is also T4 and able to harvest star metal (makes sense, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to get them comfortably).

However if all else fails and people don’t wanna cheat in this situation, they can always get legendaries / kill cimmerians for epics and dismantle them for star metal bars enough to make a pick, heck they even drop the pick itself sometimes :slight_smile:


I forgot to mention black ice pick too… So many choices…
Other than that, since this update it was really rare for someone to fix an acheronian pick, it’s equally good with the star metal pick you know… So many choices, so many :man_shrugging:.

That’s what I said though I had acheronian pick and other tier 4 picks i was trying those options. I thought about getting the raw resources for a star metal pick but my logic was why bother if better picks don’t work. The issue I was having is every pick other than star metal doesn’t work. so no options lol.

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There might be some mod you have that changes their item tiers or something :thinking:
Oh well :slight_smile:

Well, this is probably a bug! I remember not about an hour ago i read another post about the acheronian picks that they were not able to farm star metal! Did you try obsidian, black ice and black blood too? If you tried all of them, go quikly please to the bug section and report it, it’s a serious bug and it must be fixed immediately!
Thank you for the reply @mekaj, i really appreciate it :+1:t6:.

I could’ve done this before :slight_smile:
Anyway, I have an answer for you…

So I just checked and they actually changed it in the new chapter, these are the tiers of picks:
As you can see they bumped down the Acheronian Pick to Tier 3 as such it can no longer harvest Star Metal…
So it’s not a bug per se, but an actual change… whether intended or not… idk.
But you need the ones that are at least T4 or higher to harvest Star Metal

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Wtf? Why??? This is wrong. Hardened steel pick should be replaced (places on charts) with acheronian, this is totally wrong!

You saved my life and have my eternal gratitude.

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We discovered that change recently and adapted to it.
No, it’s not mod related. It’s a change in the game engine and most likely for an intentional reason.

I successfully harvested star metal with a hardened steel pick just last night, so if that isn’t working for you, I guess it may be a mod-related issue. As said above, regular steel and (more recently) Acheronian pick are not supposed to work, but hardened steel should. (I never bothered with Acheronian tools anyway - too low durability to my tastes.)


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