Star Metal - Harvesting Issue

So hoping an Admin or Developer see this.

So I understand from the Patch Notes that we need tier 4 tools.
“Star Metal meteors are now again only harvestable by a tier 4 or higher pick, pick-axe or sorcery cull spell.”

So counting:
T1 Stone
T2 Iron
T3 Steal
T4 Hardened Steal
T5 Star Metal and Acheronian

But tested on sigleplayer it was only possible to harvest with
Obsidian, Black Blood and Star Metal

So following the patch notes and seeing what actually is possible it seems to be a bug.

Just to add a little verification, I’ve also seen some other folks commenting that they can’t harvest with acheronian picks. Haven’t tried myself yet, so that’s all I’ve got for the time being.

At least obsidian and black blood work, otherwise it would be quite the chicken or the egg situation. Need star metal pick to harvest star metal, but need star metal to make the star metal pick. :thinking:

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The Acheronian Pick is currently a tier 3 tool and therefore not high enough for star metal harvesting.

It was a tier 4 tool in the past.

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It is a bit weird that you need star metal to harvest star metal :woozy_face:

Basically you must use sorcery


The current tier and harvest power of all available vanilla picks:

Stone Pick: tier = 1; harvest power = 6
Iron Pick: tier = 2; harvest power = 8
Steel Pick: tier = 3; harvest power = 10
Acheronian Pick: tier = 3; harvest power = 14
Hardened Steel Pick: tier = 4; harvest power = 12
Black Ice Pick: tier = 4; harvest power = 14
Star Metal Pick: tier = 4; harvest power = 14
Obsidian Pick: tier = 4; harvest power = 16
Eldarium Pick: tier = 5; harvest power = 16
Black Blood Pick: tier = 5; harvest power = 16

for the Acheronian Pick the tier 3 with a harvest power of 14 looks a bit off in my opinion


Thanks Testerle, so you should at least be able to with Hardened Steel or Black Ice one.


Hi Testerle
wher did you get the information.
I did just look into the knowledge and looked what you need to learn it.
There you can learn Stone tools right away (therfore Tier 1).
For Iron Tools you need privious Stone Tools (therefore Tier 2).
For Steel Tools you need privious Stone Tools (therefore Tier 3).
For Hardened Steel Tools you need privious Stone Tools (therefor Tier 4).
For Star Metal Tools and Acherion Pick you need Hardened Steel Tools (therfore Tier 5)

So can someone explain to me how they come up with the tiers. Because this seems not to match the knowledge tree.

the item tier is a non-visible numeric value stored with each weapon and tool. it’s the same value that is queried for the star metal harvesting restriciton

unfortunately, the structure of the knowledge often does not correspond to the values deposited on the individual items


Thank you for the explanation.

as a proposal to the Dev team.

  1. Aligning to the knowledge structure makes sense.
  2. As long as this is not aligned giving the non-visual information as a visual would be very helpful
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Except if you farm the mounds of the dead. Cimmerians drop star metal tools occasionally. Just repair them with a weapon repair kit or capture cimmerians and dismantle their weapons for bars. Once you got the tools, there’s no need to craft them. You got them to farm star metal.

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Tested on officials just now- hardened steel pick can gather star metal.

So it must be only single player ?


!!!Important Information!!!
the testing was performed by the high tier first and lowering until it did not work. The test was flawed as Acherion Pick was assumed to be same tier as Star Metal. So as this did not work anymore assumed lower tier tools were not tested.

Hardened Steel Pick works to harvest Star Metal


I can confirm that the Black Ice Pick can be used to harvest star metal ore.

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Hardened steel pick works on my Single-Player game. I tested this particularly because I had seen reports of Acheronian pick not working and happened to get a “mine a meteorite” challenge. My guess is that in addition to the Acheronian pick’s demotion, there’s possibly a mod conflict issue with the OP.


the OP never said that the hardened steel picks wouldn’t work, and it should be clear from the rest of the conversation that the acheronian pick is the problem no matter what game mode is used. the hardened steel pick is just not mentioned any further because the problem has been identified. the acheronian pick

summary: all picks work as expected, in all game modes, except for the acheronian pick, which is now a tier 3 pick (with a harvesting power of a tier 4 pick) and therefore no longer able to harvest star metal nodes.


Thank you Testerle
your summarization was way better than my try to untangle the confusion.
I confirm as OP. The preceived issue was caused by the discrepancy of the actual tier and the precived tier based on the knowledge tree.

So All actualy tier 4 and higher picks/pickaxe work.

To understand the cause for confusion see the following lists:

Actual tiers (provided by Tersterle [thanks again])
“Stone Pick: tier = 1; harvest power = 6
Iron Pick: tier = 2; harvest power = 8
Steel Pick: tier = 3; harvest power = 10
Acheronian Pick: tier = 3; harvest power = 14
Hardened Steel Pick: tier = 4; harvest power = 12
Black Ice Pick: tier = 4; harvest power = 14
Star Metal Pick: tier = 4; harvest power = 14
Obsidian Pick: tier = 4; harvest power = 16
Eldarium Pick: tier = 5; harvest power = 16
Black Blood Pick: tier = 5; harvest power = 1”

My percived tier based on the knowledge tree (not actually matching how the devs have build it)
“So counting:
T1 Stone
T2 Iron
T3 Steal
T4 Hardened Steal
T5 Star Metal and Acheronian”

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It is a bit weird that you need star metal to harvest star metal :woozy_face:

Basically you must use sorcery

This is wrong- you use hardened steel pick to get star metal when you dont have star metal tools - thats the purpose of my previous post.

You dont NEED sorcery to do this.

I got a star metal pick and with a little sorcery placed an iron pick skin on it then confused the hell out of everybody on my friends server when we went for a star metal run.

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@Akomo you are a bit behind with the reading here. We have already established that a couple of posts before yours (mine included).

That’s where my confusion came from then: Acheronian Pick - Official Conan Exiles Wiki
Wiki says six tiers, plus the acheronian and the star metal ore changes (before that you could harvest them with any kind of pick/pickaxe for a while).