Harvesting Starmetal

Been away from the game for a bit… not getting any star metal from node with steel tools. was there a change? i liked to skip the hardened steel tools in my play throughs…

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Harvesting starmetal requires minimum hardened steel tools, anything below that tier won’t harvest them, well they will but you won’t get any starmetal ore :slight_smile:


Get this I know about the pick needing to be hardened steel or better just realized we were searching for starmetal on Siptah a couple nights ago carrying steel pickaxes. Just as well we got caught in maelstrom. Know what I need to make next. :relieved:


ya i liked it when you could skip spending the knowledge points in some of the butchers tools too… i ended up going archonian vs hardened. thanks everyone

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Bad idea as that won’t work, despite the higher harvest damage, that pick is T3 and you need something T4 or higher



As others have mentioned, hardened steel is the min to harvest star metal. If you want to skip hardened steel, I suggest collecting some sorcerers, or their skulls, to get the coins to buy the black blood pick. Only costs 15 coins, so won’t take but a few sorcerers to get

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Just go kill 5 sorcerers and get the bounty from their heads and get yourself a black blood pick.

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We have hardened steel picks now with fitting. Definitely a lack of thought on my part. I will blame on senior moment.

Black Blood pick has a higher durability than Obsidian, but I think my favourite pick is still Obsidian because it is easier to repair. I’m not sure what the criteria for the Tiers listed here are – but Obsidian seems to gather more resources per hit than Star Metal tools. So it is probably my favourite because it is craftable and Obsidian ingots are easy to get once you’ve done the Well of Skelos.

I haven’t tested out the Black Blood pick in any systematic way though … does it generate more ore per hit than Obsidian? I was under the impression it was the same. Although I also heard someone saying it gets more Blood Crystals than any other tool.

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The criteria is simply that Funcom deemed them as such… :man_shrugging:
Item-tier is an internal property present for each item in the game, it’s independent of harvest amount or any damage or anything, it’s just an independent property and Funcom set them up as such.

As for harvest amounts of rare stuff, I think that’s also based on item tier

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Yeah, it sounds like Funcom uses those tiers simply to determine which tools can actually harvest star metal meteorites. Because beyond that, there seems to be a lot of variation within those tiers.

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On Siptah my favorite tool for harvesting the slightly more rare resources using pick/axe or pickaxe is the Pecker, yes it has low durability but it has a harvest rate that is roughly 30% higher than the Eldarium pickaxe :slight_smile:

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