returning player here. lemme start off by saying theres been many great changes and additions with past updates which im grateful for. thank you so much for sticking with the game and updating it for this long. that said, the game seems better optimized in some areas than i recall and less optimized in others
i play on a singleplayer game (local, not a server). i started having pretty bad stutters and dips around my base which weren’t present from the start. they kinda just appeared as i played the game but they only appear around my base when i look in the direction of this black ice castle i started building, and only during the day
im on a pretty high end setup with 32 gigs of ram, an intel i5 12600kf cpu and an rtx 3060 (12 gb variant) and usually clock over 100 fps so i dont think i dont meet the requirements. i ran thorough tests to try and narrow down the exact cause and i can safely rule out my pets, thralls and torches. i figured it could be the ancient braziers i put on the bridge leading up to the castle but no, no matter how many of em i removed the framerate still dipped
it seems like the black ice building pieces themselves cause these dips. its worth noting i havent used any foundations, only pillars, ceilings and walls. im thinking it could be the amount of pillars i used for the bridge and castle, adding a whole lotta math to the game. which wouldnt explain why i only lag when i look at the castle but i guess its worth testing
i havent tested it yet, but im going to see about removing some pillars and hope it doesnt undo hours of building, then update this post. if anyone has any insight or this is a known bug, i’d appreciate if you could tell me down in the comments
attached are my video settings (im running the game at 1080p, borderless)
UPDATE: i went ahead and removed a lot of pillars both from the bridge and the castle’s supports, hoping that was the cause for the dips but no, it didnt get any better. i then got the idea to test whether or not black ice actually is the cause so i knuckled down and spent some time replacing the castle’s supports with stormglass and since having done so the stutters have been eliminated
so yeah, black ice definitely is the culprit here, and not the size of the build or amount of pillars used like i thought at first. at least that holds true for big builds, because i fortunately didnt need to change the castle itself which is only 6 walls high
i guess all thats left now is to ask that this is looked at because i actually really like the look of the black ice building pieces and unfortunately theyre either very unoptimized or have some bug in them. thanks in advance (: