I’ve tried to get some sort of resolution to this for months now. Even spoke with Andy B via twitter about how I’m still being charged a monthly sub in addition to the Annual 12-Month Patron Bundle for $99.99 back on March 2, 2019.
The major problem I have is that it’s continued to go seemingly ignored since the last ticket I put in for this issue. I tried reaching out to Andy B again, but It has been almost 5 days with zero response. I’m afraid to cancel it through Steam for fear of something else getting mixed up and then completely removing my 12-Month Patron Bundle all together.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? I’d love to get some sort of resolution to this; even if it’s just reimbursing me for the individual months I was charged while having the annual bundle active. I really love this game and just want things to be made right by the company.