Stuck on Attempting to Join

I rented a server from GPortal.
I added some mods and the server is running fine.
I cannot log into the server, getting stuck on logging in.
Without mods I can log into the server.

I have been researching a fix for days and have tried all I have run accross and nothing works.
Can someone please help?

I’ve found many threads on this but none of their fixes seem to work and many have no help offered.

I have reinstalled full game twice.
Ran validate file twice.
Deleted the modlist in folder and unsubscribed from all mods.
Check firewall
I can go into solo and then try the dedicated sever with same mod order
I tried going into 3 other servers with mods and could not.

I am lost at what to do and paying for a server I cannot use.

I can play solo, but the whole reason for renting a server is to mod for different looks and have friends enjoy.

As far as I know the server is up and running, I ruled out the issue is with my game as I can’t get into other modded servers.
If someone wants to PM me, i’ll give you the ip and/or server name and pw to see if others can get in.

Thank you in advance for any help or insight.

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Greetings @imbolthead and welcome to the forums!

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Due to the fact that your issue is related to a private server, we would advise you to join the Admins United Discord (also referred on: Admins United: Conan - Discord for Server Admins! ) as this discord includes other admins with the experience to better assist you.

Continue conquering the lands!

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Thank you, i’ll head over and see if anyone knows anything there.

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