Suggestion for Server Transfer : Please add the option export official/online -> solo game

As the description says. Enough when it works like now, only additional target (server->solo)
I played so long online and some times only refresh my base, would like to save my work and leave online server - as option at least :wink:

Server transfer does not provide base / building data - just character information (level, journal, feats, attributes) and inventory. You can easily go on single player, make yourself admin, go to admin panel and make yourself 60 level, spawn items and feat items. That feature would be useless in my opinion.

I think it will be easier just to use the server data to overwrite the single player save.
But then this can be use to scout out other build cause everything the server have will be copy to the single player.

Server transfer DOES NOT provide world data, just character and inventory data. That kind of feature is useless and they could put more effort / resources somewhere else.

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If it’s a private server, you can ask the admin to give the game.db file to you.

On officials you are out of luck.

I know how the server transfer work that why I am already given up on server transfer bringing everything owned by the player(building and such) since it most likely going be too much of a effort to single out one player building from the other. When just copying whole map seem like the easier option.
Beside I don’t expected it will come though and I would prefer they work on the stability of the game follow by content and balance.

I actually really like the idea of being able to basically archive your build into a single player game.

I just don’t think the system has anyway to implement it, and it would probably take a ton of work to make it possible if it could even be done

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If you can run mods Pippi has that feature called Bluboard. I transferred a building from single → server a and server b :slight_smile:

  1. Go to solo mode
  2. Grant admin rights to you
  3. Rebuild your base for free
  4. Get all the items you want to transfer to you, for free
  5. Set your level to 60
  6. Spawn all your thralls and level them up
  7. Get everything you want to transfer
  8. Set a random Password for admin rights and save it
  9. ???
  10. Transfer succeed
  1. remember you can only transfer ‘down the scale’ (official to private, pvp to pve) not ‘up the scale’ (‘private to official’, ‘pve to pvp’)
  2. remember that private servers can turn off incoming transfers (and, yes, there was a mess up with that)
  3. unlucky for some…

If the system is working, no one should be able to transfer from a private server to official, nor should they be able to transfer into any private server that protects itself. I don’t really see what someone following your list would actually achieve? (I also don’t see why they would want to, but I think we can all agree on that :wink: )

As I see, most of you did not understand what I mean or I did not explain clear enough.

I did not speak about bases. It is enough if it works as it does already. char & inventory.

No, it is not pointless. I spent many hours with my char, it is special. And I am on xbox. cannot copy save files.

If I can transfer a local char to another game, why should this not work with an online char, when it has the same conditions ?

It is not the same to create a new char and spawn all items, they have no history!

It should be an easy task to expand the transfer with this option.

Shure, a complete export would be nice (for those not on PC) but I agree that this is too expensive and was never my intention to ask for :slight_smile: - I am not so stupid (at least I hope so)


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