Suspensions, Bans, Terms of conduct, Moderator actions. Especially in relation to broken game performance

How are these unrelated? :man_shrugging:
You do realize we can read… right? like… there are these things called words… they have meanings… and half the words in this title coincide with the title of your other thread…

In any case, you seem to be focusing on me rather than your thread, so while I understand you might not like the things I tried getting through to you about, sorry if I somehow offended you :man_shrugging:
As I said earlier before @DeaconElie temporarily dragged me back with some quotes…


Embrace the ban. Learn from the ban Read and understand the rules. Become a better exile.

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The 40 player server FC uses is just a marketing tool that they cant/dont care to actually accomplish. Which is why actually adminning them is low priority


I’ll never agree that it is a group scheming in the background but there are behaviours on here that support group think that favors what they believe is Funcom being just.

I’ll let you know what I think once I am done work if the post is still standing.

Fyi I’m with you. You’re free to DM me if necessary.

Any time in life you benefit from things provided by another, you give up any control in the matter. Funcom servers are no different.



Server owners have the right to determine who plays and who doesn’t play on their servers. Regardless of who that owner is.

If you get banned off a Funcom server its because Funcom doesn’t want you on their server. Innocence doesn’t matter.

This is false. Utterly so.

Serverblend can easily run a Conan Server in excess of 40 players with 20+ mods. The same server hardware being used resulted in massive issues with Valheim with only 3 players connected. Valheim maxes out at 2 before issues crop up (such as taking damage from NPCs you cannot see, or falling through ships and other objects).

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Oh come on. It’s not the first time I have been suspected to be involved in some sort of conspiracy. Let me have my fun.

These two sum up my feelings of Officials. Its not that I believe FC is just but I don’t see much reason to worry about such things. I don’t see motivation for FC to being petty over their administration of the officials and it’s not like I can do much about it if they are. So I go on playing my little game with full understanding I am very much not in control but I’m taking advantage of their charity to house servers for free for my online play so I don’t have to work as much to get it elsewhere. I have yet to be enforced on but that could be just luck or it could be how I play and build. There are some folks I see enforced on that I don’t trust their claims of innocence and there are some that I do and feel for them.

I also think there is a fundamental disconnect between FC and the players about what is important in this game. I see FC taking the stance that they building up is the main part of the game. The acts of collection is far more valuable than the collection itself. While a vast majority of players are deeply connected to the stuff. I will say that by taking FC’s stance, as a player, has been quite enjoyable as I build up to a point, start getting bored, just refresh with the idea/lie that I’ll come back to play it, to just abandoning the base as the new ones get my attention more.


There are good arguments for both “yes” and “no”. On the one hand, a temporary suspension can still wipe you completely out, so it would be good to be able to overturn it if it was really undeserved. On the other hand, if they’re already struggling to deal with the current ticket volume, adding more tickets from everyone who thinks their suspension was unjust – and that’s everyone, even people who know they broke the rules – would make things worse.

A lot of assumptions have been made :stuck_out_tongue:

The biggest of those assumptions is that the game needs to be “fixed” so that the moderation will work correctly.

A related assumption is that they’re moderating the servers for performance reasons only.

Both of these assumptions are false. There are problems with official server moderation, and those problems need to be fixed, but those problems are with the moderation process, not with the game itself.

Specifically, the biggest problem with the moderation is that they never explain to the players why they were suspended or banned. As a result, people come here to complain about how they were innocent and the game needs to be fixed, without having any clear knowledge – let alone evidence – about why they got suspended or banned.

Even worse, those same people will, after spamming the forums with multiple threads about moderation, eventually go back to official servers and find themselves in the same situation again, because Funcom gave them no useful information and they don’t know how to avoid getting suspended again.

So the answer to your question is: it doesn’t matter, because a warning wouldn’t help. If they don’t tell you why you were suspended in any useful detail, what makes you think they will give you any useful detail when warning you that you’re in violation of rules?

No, deleting a base is not enough. If you get your base deleted, you’ll still come here to complain about how it was unfair, because you still won’t know why they did it, because they don’t tell you.

As to whether it’s “fair”, ask 10 people what would be fair, and you’ll get 12 different answers. Arguing about what’s fair might work in a democracy, but offering servers for free and making their administration a fully functional democracy is a ridiculous idea.

By all means, the players who keep coming up with this question should do it. I’ve lost count of times I’ve seen someone bluster and post either explicit or implied threats of legal action and similar things.

Fact of the matter is Funcom has a legal department and they’re better at covering Funcom’s ass than the armchair lawyers here are at coming up with ways to “fight back”.

Funcom isn’t breaking any laws or rules or terms of service. They know it. Microsoft knows it. Sony knows it. No appeal to authority will help you, but I really wish you and everyone else who comes up with these ideas would actually try, because maybe that would help you approach this in more productive and constructive ways.


Okay, the age of “digital edition” consoles. This (solid state) is the way. One thing consoles have that the PC doesn’t is a set of standards to follow. I would never do a PC versus console lan party with modern controllers. It would be a good time to invest in “XR”, a standard for cross play with 3D headsets and 3D controllers.

This post probably doesn’t even scratch an itch, but you know. “Mods” point us to a DMCA. “Mods” are also the preferred way to upgrade the game. (Works both ways)

Its definitely interesting to think about. You have a few positions:

  1. You have the idea of servers FC would like to offer.
  2. You have the reality of what servers FC can offer.
  3. You have the idea of servers players think should be offered.
  4. You have the reality of how players play on the servers offered.

The issue with those 4 points is they are entirely different. The even bigger issue is points 1 and 3 change depending on which developer and which player you ask. While there is nothing wrong with that difference of opinion with player to player or even developer to developer.

But what people need to realize is that Point 2 will always be the reality. And when they face a ban. Its not so much that they don’t like the person banned, or don’t care about the person banned, they have just determined or believe that allowing that person to continue to play is incompatible to the reality of running the server in the way they have available to offering it to the general public.

The idea that a player could be breaking a rule or policy without doing anything they consider unethical or immoral is something players have a hard time accepting. Which is why I said innocence is pretty much irrelevant (though if you’re guilty then being in violation is automatic). If a player has done nothing unethical or immoral, but still banned, then they have simply been determined to be incompatible.

But this is also why Umbrols (I believe it was) has gone on to say that such players are still free to play the game in singleplayer or in other private servers. Its effectively telling the players “You can play that way, just not here.”

I don’t know if communicating that would make any difference. I mean would players honestly feel better if they were locked out of the server and told, “Thank you for your interest in our servers. But unfortunately we have restricted access based on your playstyle being incompatible with our server community.” Instead of being told they were suspended or banned? I don’t think it would… but maybe it would.


Agreed. Too many equate Officials as the game itself and that is where feeling get hurt. No different than people equating the player character with the player, themselves (and the resulting cheese to gain leverages by using out of game information).


Ah, so when a player gets a 14 day ban for building that was reported by a salty beotch with nothing better to do then hop servers looking to play goodie two-shoes, comes to the forums to ask clarification only to get the “go to zendesk” reply…

…and then finds out that on zendesk you cant appeal temporary bans

Sheet. If only the people at Funcom directing those with temporary bans to zendesk to appeal them knew that you cant even appeal them maybe it would save some confusion.

So, the episode above happens, and the banned person comes back to the forums and complains about the entire process only to be met with the first response of:

Right. Go to the place that does absolutely nothing to solve your questions.

Do you see why there are multiple threads on things like this? Is it because there is a serious problem that people cant see?



Why devalue the purpose of Zendesk? Do you not see that the mods are making a big move with the forum revamp? Progress happens over time. If someone is not getting attention from zendesk, then use this forum to post the story.

Zendesk is working okay. Zendesk + forum is working better.

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It is a problem. But the question is more about is this problem greater or lesser than the previous problem that the ToS solved which was Official servers being completely unplayable due to other players dominating the landscape and destroying any chance of new player enjoyment of the game content and/or ability get get a foothold on a server? Don’t get me wrong, it needs refinement but it’s a damn better sight than the literal urban sprawl form 1 or 2 clans that we used to have. Right now, I have relative assurance that I can pop on any server and find some place to build. May not be an “alpha spot” but I can build a base to house all of my benches. I couldn’t say that 3 years ago.


I’m not the one who set up the system though… we’re literally pointing people in the right direction… :man_shrugging: and it IS the right direction, whether it functions properly or not…

But it’s really not that hard to comprehend… here, I will run it down for you…

  • There is the videogame Conan Exiles… (software)
  • And there is the staff of server administrators in charge of official server data…

The platform for the first one is the official forums (this place…) and it has absolutely nothing to do with official servers and any data on them…

The staff here are community managers… they’re in charge of relaying information between users of the SOFTWARE (players of the game) - eg. bug reports mainly or other feedback - and the game developers… (NOT the server administrators)…

The platform for official server data (your characters, buildings, accounts, suspensions, bans, tickets) is over at Zendesk…
What does that mean?.. The server admins there actually have ACCESS to the server databases and your character data and they’re the ones who can issue suspensions or lift bans or answer tickets related to things happening on official servers…

What’s the difference?
The staff over here on the forums… they can’t help you even if they WANTED to… that’s literally why they send you over to Zendesk… because you’re in the wrong place… :man_shrugging:

Now I agree, it sucks that the system is overwhelmed and their policy dictates that you can’t appeal a suspension… BUT, that does not mean you can appeal it any better here… quite the opposite…

That’s what we were trying to relay to OP and a number of other people who similarly fail to accept these facts and are under the misguided impression that they can do anything about their ban on the forums…

So nobody is sending these players back to the forums from Zendesk… they are at the right place… there’s just no implemented way to do anything about it since it’s their policy that temporary suspensions are not appealable… that doesn’t make them any more prone to appealing on the forums though…

I hope that highlights the difference well enough…

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I see that a few people have their pride hurt when they are told they have to play somewhere else because what they want to do is not a good fit for a public server. But there’s no reason to have hurt pride or feelings here. Simply move on and enjoy the game in an unrestricted manner on another server.

I know what you were suspended for, you have indicated it in the past (assuming you were being truthful). The way I look at it is I would not have done what you did. I would have played more conservatively than you have. But because I do not wish to play within those confines, I am not compatible with those servers.

My playstyle, while less obtrusive than yours is STILL not a fit for a public server. The difference between you and I is I have made the determination rather than having it judged for me. If I played the way I do, I would likely face a suspension. I knew this in 2018 when I first read the rules for the first time. I decided those restrictions were not a good fit and played elsewhere.

What sense does it make for me to try and push my playstyle and demand policy changes to fit me? That doesn’t make any sense.


You k ow what i meant. I meant the fact they advertise 40 max officials, yet from all the info from god tier knowledge peole like you say they cant handle that. Privates will always be a variable. we are talking official servers, as the op states in the topic.

You mean like a PVE server?

I went to a private server for active admin. Which it doesn’t need because people are respectful of not only the TOS but other players. Yes there are some spectacular builds but the don’t block my way and don’t lag me down. None the less, I have been on a few private servers that just

Bit Zendesk is “hired” by FC, so coming back here to relay that thier 3rd party report system is not helpful is the right way to handle that issue.


I think that’s where a lot of people make the mistake… they assume that there’s anything beyond Zendesk… if you don’t like the decision they make. Because we’re used to complaining about everything and anything in these modern days until we get our way, no?

This is not court… you can’t escalate… :man_shrugging: you don’t have a “justice” to fight for here…
@Taemien tried pointing that out several times, but it’s just proving to be too big of a pill for most modern gamers to swallow, because it hurts their ego and it’s understandably frustrating from their point of view…

At the end of the day, they either let you play on their servers or they don’t… and I haven’t heard of a single instance where discussing it on the forums made any change regarding that, have you?

Zendesk manages official servers… nobody else… they’re both the beginning and the end of the line.
Would I do it differently? Sure… I’m sure a lot here would… but it’s not up to me or them…