Suspensions, Bans, Terms of conduct, Moderator actions. Especially in relation to broken game performance

What does the Conan Exiles community think?

• Should the Terms of conduct be Amended?
“Suspensions are not open to appeal”. Leaving no room for genuine mistakes that a moderator may make.
• Should Moderators give message warnings of 48hours?
Allowing players, a chance to take corrective action regarding “Official Building restrictions”, at least as a temporary policy until the game is fixed.
• Are account suspensions of 14days for a first-time building offence fair?
Considering hours some players take creating bases and the current state of the game, maybe deleting a base is enough at present.
• Should players seek help elsewhere in finding a solution?
Would it help if more players inform the provider of a Platform, e.g., Playstation, Microsoft etc. As they like to have a certain quality of service to keep most customers happy and may assist in finding a solution if made aware.


Players should take personal responsibility for their actions and use the proper channels such as:


What does that have to do in relation the topic and points put forward in this thread?
If anyone insists on going off topic please feel free to PM me instead.


Could’ve used the search function to look up the 20+ other threads trying to discuss the exact same things (all of which also ended up being locked btw, but went on a bit longer as they were “pretending” to not be about the personal ban of OP)

However, to entertain the topic, I am going to point out what you would’ve found in those threads had you searched.

Generally people agree that it would be nice to get a heads-up and a chance to correct the mistake before getting instantly wiped / banned, however while this would be nice, there’s also this thing called reality…

And like I tried pointing out in your other thread these servers are provided for free, there is already quite a lot of effort put in considering there are thousands of them and all of them are administered by a tiny handful of people… hence why the ticket system is overwhelmed even as it is…
Now imagine what it would be like if they had to micromanage each individual case… and give them even more second chances… it’s just not viable with the current setup.

So… should they give warnings?.. Umm… sure, I bet they’d love to do that as well… Can they reasonably do so?.. Not really…

What they could do though and people also generally agree on this… is try to supply the actual ban reasons in the messages themselves in a short and accurate way so the player knows exactly what they did… This might actually help them as well, since they might get a reduced number of tickets if everybody doesn’t always have to ask the reason :man_shrugging:

Other than this though, there’s not much to talk about… oh yes one more thing, probably the most important of them all. It would be nice if official servers finally got some upgraded hardware from… this century… so they don’t stall at half the player numbers than they’re supposed to handle :slight_smile:

But again… free servers… so it’s one of those “take it or leave it” situations. Nobody is forcing you to play on those…
You’re more than welcome to use your game license and play in single player or private servers :man_shrugging: find a community whose rules you are okay with.

As for your “telling on Funcom to Microsoft and Playstation” plan… by all means, do so, if you want to play it that way… I’m sure they will thank you for your feedback and wish you a very nice day :slight_smile:

I think that covers it…
Good luck on your quest :slight_smile:


A lot of assumptions have been made.

I believe some players are suspended who were not in breach of the terms of conduct.
Further discussion is required to help encourage a change of policies.

For example some players in the earlier versions of Conan Exiles could create alot bigger bases compared to now, while using less powerful hardware(standard ps4). Many updates later using more powerful hardware(ps5), only allows a base of half the size before performance issues are felt.
Do you think it is reasonable to push blame on players? Who after long breaks and flawed updates, who rely on experiences they once had on offical servers?
Does multiple unrelated clans building close together resulting in performance issues mean they are at fault?
“Suspensions are not open to appeal” does not allow for these circumstances.

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There’s a few elements at play here.

You’ve been creating topics about the same thing with a preceding personal suspension inquiry.

There are members that will report or derail topics if they believe it goes against the rules, real or imagined.

Ultimately, attempting to discuss this topic is rarely met with reasonable discourse. Because there is presumed guilt regardless of the internal and external issues.


Obviously there are extremely passionate fans here who like each others posts who collectively move to silence the average/real player voicing and opinion. Is the goal to completely destroy an already small player pool(console experience only)?

Please stay on topic it’s not hard.


Yes, here’s one big assumption for example:

You’re assuming the bans and the policies have anything to do with performance…
If you read the actual guidelines it’s one of the few things that comes across very clearly is that performance is only taken into account in very EXTREME situations… where you’re literally single-handedly crashing the server with your base…

The rules otherwise have very little to do with performance and have everything to do with SPACE
If you’re occupying more space than you reasonably need, you pretty much get wiped, it’s one of the other things that’s clearly stated… that official servers are NOT your personal art gallery and if you want to build the Taj Mahal, then you should go to Single Player or a private server that is okay with it.

Yes, very few of them… maybe? most of them are suspended for a good reason and usually they start out claiming they did nothing wrong… and when it’s discovered that they in fact did… then they say "Oh, well that’s BS… " and change their tune from being innocent to disagreeing with the rules…

Might want to check this thread out, decorative landclaim is usually where most reasonable players fail, or walls:

However, if after reading that you still think you’ve been banned unjustly, then take it up with Zendesk, like it’s been suggested to you.

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Sometimes people make mistakes? Or do you believe that admins are immune to this? Are you able to think objectively and consider that maybe this could be the case?



Yes they do! Nobody said they don’t… Which is exactly what the Ban appeal process is for over at Zendesk…

A point in this post is should you be able to appeal a suspension? There is no option to appeal like in the case of ban.


Sadly that’s not stopping people from trying, which is why the ticket system is so slow :man_shrugging:

There’s also been some fairly reasonable assumptions made that part of the reason they insist on this temporary suspension is so that the decay system takes care of any other buildings the player might have had

Also, I don’t think it’s a good idea to allow people to appeal that without any conditions… Why?.. Because literally every single person who ever gets banned will proceed to appeal away… wasting the admins time even more than they already are.

If this would be ever up for an appeal, it needs to come from the other side… providing the admins with some tool where they can pre-flag certain accounts that the evidence was more than clear so there is no room for appeal and only allowing it for those where this isn’t the case (though one would then question why would those people get a ban… so we’re back where we started)…

At the end of the day the part that you seem to be missing is that they can ban you even if they don’t like your username :man_shrugging: it is their servers and just like the owner of any private server can ban you from their server… so can Funcom…
This actually might be one of the reasons why they don’t choose to make premium servers as that would mitigate this right they have to revoke your server access privileges at any point for any reason they feel like.

The bottom line is this though regarding this thread… you can’t seriously expect us to believe that you just randomly woke up this morning and you felt like having a nice chat on the forums about suspensions and bans for no particular reason :man_shrugging: That’s why people are not buying what you’re trying to sell… that this post isn’t personal and it’s not about you getting banned… literally before you started making these posts as you’re waiting for a Zendesk reply…

So consider how would someone else doing the same thing would come across to you if the roles were reversed… I don’t think you’d buy it either, not even with the best of intentions…

In any case, good luck with your thread… I pretty much said all I can on this topic, so I’ll leave you to it! let’s see who else is up for discussing this :man_shrugging:

I think that is a very optimistic assumption. There are not thousands of public servers. And I’m pessimistic Funcom has more then 1 person per 100 servers as admin. Funcoms public servers are the best example of a Public facility. Think bus station mens room.

The ticket system is a joke at best. Seems to me the majority of the time the only tickets that admins actually responds to is mass clan spam tickets on PVP.

Ok, lets get started.

Should the Terms of conduct be Amended? YES!
“Suspensions are not open to appeal”. Leaving no room for genuine mistakes that a moderator may make.
• Should Moderators give message warnings of 48hours? YES!
Allowing players, a chance to take corrective action regarding “Official Building restrictions”, at least as a temporary policy until the game is fixed.
• Are account suspensions of 14days for a first-time building offence fair? That is dependent on the offense.
Considering hours some players take creating bases and the current state of the game, maybe deleting a base is enough at present.
• Should players seek help elsewhere in finding a solution? Going out side the established procedure will get you now where. No matter how poorly it works.

But yes, these are issues we as players have been over quite a few times and it always falls on deaf ears.

Can be said about a lot of topics.

That in and of it’s self is a thread. You know my opinion, Funcom’s OFFICIAL servers need to be an example of what a Conan server should be, not an example of how bad they can get.

I know this is a bad idea, but free servers and battle pass servers.

Or just because.

Just pointing to the agreement that Zendesk needs to give a reason for their action. It does no one any good to leave people guessing. You can’t learn a lesson if you don’t know what you did wrong.

Xevyr I think you are putting too much faith in appealing to Zendesk. Being quite familiar with bans, I’ve never had much success with appeals.

A time out is a time out. I think there should be at least one warning before one is handed out. An over whelming majority of the player base would agree. love to have some one from Funcom pop in and explain why they don’t, It’s the right thing to do. But I think I’d stand a better chance of laying a golden egg.

Or it could be lacking personal. There is just so much Bob and Tracy can do in 10 hours.

Man when we agree it bears repeating.

I would. But then :chipmunk:

For some reason I feel like some one just passed me a snot covered basketball :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

FYI bears repeating


I love suspension/ban talk , everyone always thinks there right :smile: personally i gave up , if it happens it happens , already on my 3rd account XD


That made me laugh :slight_smile:.
Hopefully the mod will leave the thread open long enough to give regular players, other than the few extremely passionate a chance to contribute to the debate.

Maybe an option is for more players to vote with their wallets.
When this game works it is enjoyable and addicting. I feel you.

Not necessarily :slight_smile: But it’s the only sanctioned way… like… people can beat their chests all day long on the forums… it’s not going to help their ban… it actually might be counterproductive seeing as occasionally zendesk staff also browses them…

These are not the types of situations where you can get a more positive result by breaking even more rules :man_shrugging:
So when a staff member literally closes your first topic and tells you to go to Zendesk… starting up a new thread on a similar topic minutes later is just kicking the beehive… :honeybee:

This is how the private sector operates :slight_smile: When you’re on private virtual property your freedom of speech only extends as far as the patience of the owner…

That’s because you weren’t here for the start of the game :slight_smile:
First round:

Second round:

And immediately after we’re doing the third one… I honestly think Dana is bored of closing these at this point so she’s just gonna let it run for a while see if anything interesting comes of it…
But when a staff member tells you twice to go to zendesk and closes your thread… Imo the correct action isn’t to just start a third one…

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Anything past the first is a time out for me.
I’ve been a forum moderator, I do not have the temperament for it.

That said we really need to have a set down with Funcom to get this stuff sorted. losing 1 player over a misunderstanding or report abuse, is 1 too many.

Now I got a temper. And yes some times you all get me worked up. But I will get considerably more irate for a time out if I am offered no explanation for it.


It must be an offence to flood/spam a legitimate thread with unrelated topics, drawing attention to a separate thread. edit: note:

Point taken. I am new to contributing to forums. Please have patience i’m still learning.

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You do get you aren’t helping your argument, right?

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