Tavern patrons not showing up

Basic Info:

Platform: Xbox Series X
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private - Also Singleplayer
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Doesn’t matter

Bug Description:

At first I thought this was an issue with my location. My tavern stayed empty forever, but since then I have placed several bars with tavern keepers manning them all over the exiled lands and not one of them has any patrons coming in. The only one to show up is Isaac the Sellsword after I hire him. I switched to vanilla chairs wondering if that was the problem but with no luck.

Bug Reproduction:

On xbox, get a tavern keeper to man your bar. Put as many or as few chairs as you want down. Wait forever for patrons to show up.

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Different platform, same reault.

Built a tavern, tables and chairs everywhere
No one shows up.

Basic Info:

Platform: PS5
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private - Also Singleplayer
Server Type: PvE - C
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 3052

Update: so it does work. I came back an hour later and have a grand total of -1- thrall. I think their spawn time needs to be adjusted because this is going to suck on singleplayer

Same here.

I tried this during beta. The more bars you have active the more show up per half hour or an hour I think. I had them set up in the same building.

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