Tavern doesn’t seem to work

I have loaded my single player world in the exiled lands and I have built the tavern and no thralls seem to be appearing in the tavern is this a common problem or is it just me help

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Welcome to the forum!
Did you place a bartender my friend?

Yep but still nothing it is on a world I had built before the chapter 3 update could that be the problem

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Where did you find the barkeeper, did you spawn her-him, or you did a purge to claim this specific thrall?

I completed a purge. It is a male thrall

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Maybe try to remove some chairs and put them back. But give me some time i will check if it works on single player for me too, because so far i have done it only on official servers.
Let me call reinforcements too.
@Crompox, @Lucidique, guys can you help here please.

Thank you

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Be back in 15! Starting the machine, lol

That’s on my single player, i am sorry for this mess, i was testing something with a friend in here, so right now i have nothing. So i spawned a bar and a barkeeper if i have costumers i’ll let you know.

Thanks for the help

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Just to chime in here - maybe you have a different issue, but I can confirm that the Tavern works in Single-Player mode. I built a Tavern in an existing SP game and got Patrons - just keep in mind that it can take a good while for them to appear. We’ll have a proper guide out soon.

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I’d say give it an hour or so for your tavern to populate. I’d probably try and stay out of render range too


Thank you everyone the tavern is now working


Have fun exile :+1:t6:

I know what i am going to ask will seem ridiculous to you, but do you have a guide for this emblem thing?
It’s very annoying in use and i just cannot give colors and fonts that i need.

Thanks in advance @Pixelcave

Just a heads up as well, if you place a chair or bench too close to a table, thralls won’t visit it. That won’t stop the actual bar though.


In my single-player game, the customers came running in very quickly - while I was away at the tables and chairs, I saw out of the corner of my eye how four of them hastily arrived and sat down at the counter. They were probably hiding in the bushes and waiting for the tavern to open, suffering from thirst. :rofl:


Sadly, it’s not even that sneaky. They fall from the sky. I’ve seen them do it. :roll_eyes:

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We did a guide for the Emblems when they were released, not sure if that answers all your questions - I know some of the menus aren’t too intuitive, but you can see us move the sliders and what happens color wise as a result. Let me know if you have any specific questions!

If you have trouble navigating through the Fore- and Backgrounds by selecting the single arrows underneath, you can use the double arrows instead to move to more Emblems/Backgrounds.


I think i got it. The upper slider is the color selection and the 2 bellow adjust the shades. I will try it tomorrow, if i won’t make it then it’s official, i am worthless :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Thanks a million @Pixelcave