The Fellowship of Oceania:
Welcome to the Fellowship of Oceania, a haven for Conan Exiles players on the OCE servers seeking a fair, friendly, and mature community. We’ve been around for three years, and our experienced players are dedicated to helping newcomers navigate the brutal world of Conan Exiles.
We believe in playing the game fairly and without resorting to exploits or toxicity. That’s why we’re constantly at war against hackers, exploiters, and toxic players. We don’t tolerate any of these behaviors, and we’re committed to creating a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone.
Our history:
- We started as the clan Mordor, known for our strength and dedication.
- We then changed our name to Gondor after one of our members created the private server “The Soup Kitchen”. This felt like a more fitting name for our community, reflecting our spirit of fellowship and strength. We still remain active on all other OCE official servers.
What we offer:
- Guidance for new players: Learn the ropes of Conan Exiles from experienced players.
- Community Discord: Share tips, tricks, build ideas, and farming methods.
- Server information: Stay up-to-date on all OCE and private servers that have caught our attention.
- Fighting against toxicity: We actively combat hackers, exploiters, and toxic behavior within the community.
- Timeline for reports: We gather information on server events to provide evidence for reports sent to Funcom.
Join us and experience the true meaning of fellowship in the world of Conan Exiles. We’re waiting to welcome you!