The ladders still lose stability after each serverrestart

Game mode: [Enter game mode here: (Online official | Online private | Single-player)]
Type of issue: [Enter one of the following: Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Server type: [Enter one of the following: PvP | PvE-Conflict | PvE]
Region: [Please enter your server region]

[Describe the bug here]

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

My ladder does not lose stability at server restart, it has zero(!) stability after being placed(!) and vanishes at server restart…

1 Like

Same here. All of my ladders just vanish after every restart.

Hey there,

Our team is aware of this issue and they’re looking into it.
Thanks for your feedback.

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