pic 2 Captured about 10 minutes after applying Buff.
Initaly after applying Buff the Hud and stats page are in sync- the armor buff and eatable buff applied. Apparenly 104(armor) and 60(eatable) equal 209( I was expecting 164), after about 10 mins. there is a error in the display of Health the base armor value of 104 is only applied, yet the +60 Health buff from food is still Active apparently. the food Buff should be active for 1 hour, it does not seem to be in the Health calculation.
When filling your hunger meter to 100%, for the next 10 minutes the hunger meter stays at 100% without decreasing and you get a +5% bonus to your maximum health.
Thanks for your reply, Ok so… I need to know more, available Health is falling off 105(809 to 704) points on or about 10 -20 mins after consuming the Buff, That aside how we get to 704 or 809 not work. there is 105 points between 704 and 809, the way I understand the food buff is 60 points(active for 1 hour), makes 764 health points, you suggest we add 10 for 100% sated, I still feel I cant account for 31 health points. and still not understand why the drop off on Health points.
Notice that when you eat to the point of filling the hunger meter, you get the sated effect. This effects increases your tottal HP temporarily. Eat until the character is filled and observe the health bar. It’s noticeable.
Sated is a regeneration buff from eating. It has nothing to do with the filled hunger meter 5% bonus. If you eat enough food to fill the meter, then you will get Sated and the 5% bonus at the same time, but you can have one and not the other.
The correct answer here is that the 5% bonus is +5% of your health at the moment you receive it, and it stays at that value until your hunger meter drops below 100%. If you keep eating food to ensure that your hunger meter stays at 100%, the bonus will never change, no matter what else you do to your max health.
So the 5% bonus will be more beneficial if you buff your health first before filling your hunger meter than if you eat to full first before applying other buffs.
I edited the Hunger and Thirst pages on the wiki to clarify this.