I hope at some point we can get thralls to emote idle with their weapons because that would be seriously cool. Guards posted up at entrances and holding their spears etc.
Ohhh, man. Here i was thinking it was a Lemurian Pike specific thing after i found one and started using it for the first time ever. Good to know, lol.
It takes too long (30 sec). Really missable.
We need same emote (so no need to wait 30 sec). For thralls TOO!
I agree. New iddle animations are amazing addition but the delay is too long. 10sec would be much better.
yep, since the transition from it instant, there will be no problem
but again… we need same emote, best solution
guarding thralls -best base decorations
This one agrees. An excellent start. Now to make it an emote usable by thralls.
Bravo, very good line to develop along.
This, exactly.
Heck, throw it in the Bazaar for a few bucks, and I’d buy it.
Or give it to us for free and I’ll say thank you.
… I vote for free.
Personally, this one would rather see assets already in game made available as part of the base game.
Save the monetization for actual new stuff.
Also, the emotes in the BP (time gated, so please don’t put such a fundamental idle stance there) and Bazaar never clarify if they are for the player character or thralls. So irksome.
Also, an idle claw animation that is basically the examine fingernails emote but with the claws on would be fun.
For a premium emote, this one expects a thrall to pull out a venom infused or feroxic dagger, lick it, then play dead.
Alternatively, a sword dance or sitting and sharpening a weapon would be nice. Another one would be a low crouch while looking around, like tracking or setting an ambush.
One problem with those would be how resource intensive they are for loading, but if we are expect to spend the money, they should have more oomph.
I agree… we should get new emotes in each BP (cool ones like idle guard stand with weapons).
But for bazzar 1-3 usd cost they should bring smth really special… i mean
Ambush (lying) would be cool.
Patrolling small area (cats already can do).
Some with visuals and sound signals like torches, horns, music instruments?
Making current instruments interactive with animation and adding some that can be interacted with triggering an animation would be really cool.
So far the only sound related base things are just animals or thralls i choose to set on drunk or angry/humbled or whatever its called expression emotes.
N they aren’t too nice to hear on-loop.
Except drunk… i guess… kinda.
Reminds me of living in the middle of all the nightlife.
I need the spear stance for my guards
The daggers pose is utterly badass, too.
(My white horse called White Horse seems to have wanted to photobomb, so I let him be. Janos, on the other hand, seems shy. I wonder if he’d want to wear a shirt to a photograph.)
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