The Sacred Hunt Event ends in just 5 days! Is this Correct!?

I sincerely hope I am confused or have been mixed up here, and I hope that someone, anyone can clarify. So this announcement states that the Sacred Hunt Event ends on 15th April; just 5 days from now!

If so, what bollocks is this, a 14 day long event. Spawn rate for werehyenas coupled with the low drop rates of Gnarled Teeth means that most of us will not have had time to grind out all of the rewards.

Now I do not profess to know how much free time the average Conan Exiles player has on their hands, but I have real life obligations outside of video games. Between work, family and sporting commitments, I am lucky if I get to play games for a few hours on a Saturday and a few hours on a Sunday. And I hardly expect I am an extreme outlier here as far as time availability goes.

You stated you wanted our fedback within the above thread…?

Very well, here you are. This is way, WAY to short of an event cycle!! Even more so when we factor in the amount of grind required to obtain everything. Extend the event and have a longer duration for future ones. There is my two cents.


Awe come on @Pixelcave. That was a good post

question about this. When and what turns off after the 15th? If I defeat the uberbear and get that horn, will it work and I get a werebear after the 24 hour timer or am I SOL until it comes back?

Just moved it to the other thread, didn’t see it was linked up here and it felt better to keep feedback in one place.


It will all be merged by tomorrow anyways.

The time allotted to gather the recipes doesn’t feel aligned with the costs per recipe.

If this event were to run the entire duration of the Chapter that would be understandable. But trying to grind out 3,500 fangs per clan member in 2 weeks is excessively difficult.

I can’t imagine the average player is going to even remotely come close to the Bestial Regalia recipe without dedicating multiple hours of solo grinding.


Totally agree, this is ridiculous!


I’ve got one timed lure that I won’t be able to use before then, probably. (Server has been crashing all week.)

Hopefully they’re temporarily taking it down to adjust and fix bugs.


I agree… Event is bollocks imo… I don’t have much time always to play and the spawnrates are nuts… i’ve gotten 3 freaikin mobs spawn in the 4 days i played…
No more money gonna be spent on this game until it actually gets some real loving again.,…


As I understand it, they want to have events on a rotation…meaing, if the infor is correct (which isn’t a given with Funcom), in 5 days there should be another event…maybe the eclipse event, or the head hunters return.


That is something I could get behind.


Absolutely Sycis. And not intending to detract from your own point which is very valid. But now imagine being either a Singleplayer or an Online Solo Player and having to attempt to do all of that singlehandedly. But hey we still have a whole 5 days to get it all done right [sarcasm]. It is absurd.


You net about 50 fangs per full run. I have taken a review of things and suggest everyone else do the same. The following is what I have assessed as what I am working for with 450 already saved

Throne for 300, statue for 100, Lem brazier for 150, and one WH follower for 250.

The cape is just too expensive for the time frame and I doubt I will ever use it in a build. The bonus is nice since its a double stack of agility (meaning the T4 thralls will add 4 extra percentiles to it) and the armor isn’t that bad for light but with the current stamina rulings in place, light armor just isn’t as beneficial as it once was and the fur minicape just isn’t my thing.

The rest of it is if I have something left over…maybe?

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50 fangs per run!?!? Thus far I have only accumulated around ~60 grand total! It is not enough time for people who don’t sit on their backsides and play games for 8-12 hours a day. We also do not wish to be spending the entirety of our play time whenever we can play just running event content on a continuous cycle. And Singleplayers and Online Solo Players do not have clanmates to share the workload. We are a one man workforce and do not have others to help carry the burden and share the workload. If this is the new precadent for how long we have to complete things in the future, then players everywhere will be missing out on the lions share of event rewards.

It is not enough time. The Conan Exiles playerbase are not people devoid of a life who game for 18 hours a day. We have to work and care for our families.


Yeah work and family are an obstacle indeed, we should get them out of the way to have time for the truly important things! :joy:


It is most definitely a grind.

Thought I’d add info on the spike traps because I haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere. They do work, have to be set by hitting E on them each time, and were doing about 35 damage to me in medium armor. Though I’m not sure armor matters. Didn’t check if they lost durability either. Was in a rush and just wanted to see if did anything or were decorative.

Kind of underwhelming but possibly useful for the invis purge NPCs.

I’ve been waiting for the hotfix because I haven’t wanted to deal with this mess of a patch yet. Guess I’ll just miss the whole event then, thanks.

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THIS!!! please extend event, not trying to do to much until server stabilities have been fixed

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I concur.


I’m seeing 15-20 (17 mean) per champion and 40-60 (50)for the grand champion. 17x3+50=101-10(lure)x4-1(glitter)-3(drop of acid)=57.

If you are still farming the hyenas as your main source then you need to focus on the champions.

Nice rewards but too grindy. Two weeks isn’t nearly enough time considering the fangs you get even from the whole hunt cycle, you’d have to be constantly playing Conan and the event.

And besides, the instructions were way too confusing to get the hunt started. I don’t want to check everything out right away from Youtube or somewhere so i tried to figure the thing out by myself. I just didn’t get enough info from the conversations or then i just missed something, how am i supposed to know that you need the warpaint AND you have to be naked while wearing it so you’ll beat the champions? It put me off from the event for a while and then i just had to bend over and go check out a tutorial and now i don’t have much time to get anything unless i grind day and night.