Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [US East]
The Shattered Scourgestone Piece no longer drops from Gall o’ the Spear-din in the captains quarters in Buccaneer Bay. Am I bugged or does something else drop it now? I’m on server #2504.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
Go to Buccaneer Bay in the jungle biome
Go to the Captain’s Quarters at the top of the ship wreck
Kill Gall o’ the Spear-din or the other T4 thrall that spawns there
Is there an update on this? My partner and I with over 3500 hours each on this game have every other end game piece… I have been killing Gall O’ the Spearadin and Hekkr Waverunner at the Captain’s quarters over and over again waiting for it to drop… We just want to complete the dang thing.