Think I had too much cRPG lately

Law and Order was updated to implement the FBA Brazier, which is a Brazier that allows free building around it, but up to a certain distance, still the permit is required.
Social Contract was updated to allow for more interactions with more NPCs, and in work is the Master Pin, a kind of group management tool used to build a group of NPCs in the RPG party style.

Main idea is to build some nice tactical RP to make purge and raiding NPC bases and dungeons more fun. Not that I care if it makes them easy or “break them”. I rather have fun myself.

Have been trying to break my record on how many purges I can call at the same base, and my top was 3. Couldnt find a way in which one of them wasnt stopped due to its target coffer being too far from the entrance, as I want them to come from one direction. There is a problem with two front purges, and the relevance distance makes them bypass walls and doors without destroying them if you are on the other side of a huge base.
In the picture, the 3rd camp was behind a rock to the right, so it would not be on the same screen unless I tried to make a aerial picture, but could not abandon my post, right ?

So, instead of “stacking purges for fun”, I decided to mod some cRPG stuff to make the 3 I can call more fun. Sadly, it was the first time I had to lower graphics a bit because the fight was insane. When I get more used to it I got it on twitch to be saved.

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For the next cRPG “conversion” … dressing for the occasion.

The changes are only cosmetic, the armor the character is using wont change.

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Working on the trading system.

The updated UI for the next release …

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Still require some refining, but the systems are there.

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Updated for a “Dialogue Camera”.

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The new boat. Updated flow control now with 16 points of displacement. More fluid movement.
UI updated.

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Now there is a version of Sensha (the discord bot) in a modified GPT.
All the languages and some fancy stuff to get to know the ESAV Mods: