Same issue - looks like anything above Line 12. I’ve got a base up there and no thralls will move. Additional symptom - Golem bench doesnt work “too far away” error.
Any updates on this? its been about 6 days for me without placing thralls in my base.
each time i get raided they’re getting closer and closer to my loot, i cant keep defending b y myself forever lol
Yeah I consider the game to be in a nearly unplayable state currently (official pvp). The area affected by bugs hits one of my biggest bases, and robs me of using the portal stone or thralls, which causes a massive problem in terms of base defense. Im an authority build so loss of my zombies and other thralls is devastating.
I’m really hoping Funcom solves these issues at the utmost speed. Currently Im only logging in to prevent my bases from decaying. Anything else is too troublesome.
and why comments if you don’t know some moutains even go higher than limits of the buildable world, any high ground build will have fogs, unless player modify his setting in ini.files.
problem of placing may be linked to bases in high altitude (legit base getting support from moutains)
That would be similar then, like how they fixed body vaults. Expect they didn’t.
You dont need thralls in skybase. You also dont need circle of power in skybase.
This bug does nothing to prevent skybases. It only makes troubles for legitimate players,
This has to be related to something else and not sky bases.
Skybases are good and challenging. Thats why we got flying bats. Its a game feature
Lately, I would not be surprised if funcom’s fix went something like this: “greetings exiles, it’s funcom. sorry to wipe bases and thralls and shit of those affected by the last update. to compensate, we’re giving double xp for a week.”
Im hoping Funcom gets something done about these bugs so I can get back to actually playing the game. I can promise Im not making any more purchases until that happens.
A FUNCOM mostra apenas as imagens de quem não critica o jogo deles Conan Exiles eu mesmo já não envio mais nada por que sempre tem um BUG novo que mostro aqui quase toda semana