Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Official server #1098 pvp -
Mods: ‘none’
Bug Description:
After the october 5th patch, thralls and horses on follow dont behave properly when player teleports via transportory stone. Some stay behind in the previous location, some teleport with player but get stuck on the portal itself and cannot be moved. Moving away far enough used to cause stuck thralls teleport to the player, but this method is also no longer reliable. This is a MAJOR issue for all of us who use thralls.
A very common error message is now “thrall cannot reach target location” when trying to order thralls after teleporting. This is new, previously there was no error message even if thrall was stuck in some way. I believe thralls are getting stuck in the geography somehow after player teleports, which would induce the error message.
Bug Reproduction:
Have a thrall and a horse on follow and then try to teleport via transportory stones / map rooms into various locations. Preferably with the destination being a large base.
Yeah Ive had some more issues. I had a thrall on follow, and teleported via transportory stone. When I arrived, the thrall is stuck in the t.stone, even though it doesnt visibly LOOK like its stuck. I couldnt order them anywhere.
Moreover: I couldnt perform extinguish ritual on the t.stone, I got “you are too far away” error. I couldnt even pick the thrall up and place them, because now they had “must be placed on walkable floor” error message everywhere.
Something is seriously wrong with thralls and teleporting after the patch.
Here is a picture of a wight horse inside the floor after I teleported to the portal.
Perhaps this is a more widespread issue in the map server in general? Our positions arent what they should be?
Yes. There are numerous bugs after the latest patch. I have also detected a major drop in server performance after the last patch. Like, getting “waiting data” when looking at a door, foundations being invisible to one player but not the other, etc. Ive also had lot of trouble simply logging into the server. The connection gets refused more often. There are LOT of issues. These could possibly be related to server or database performance.
Thralls often get stuck and no longer teleport to you when they get left behind. This is a huge issue, since teleporting used to be the one saving grace of poor thrall pathfinding.
After using a portal or a map room, there is a small period of time when you cannot order your thralls.
After using a portal, thralls that were set on follow have borked positions. Like sunk into the floor, or otherwise stuck.
After logging in, some thralls that were set to guard are more often sunk to the floor, and will not follow you when set on follow. Specifically they dont teleport to you if they get left too far behind.
Also something potentially related to the topic as it appears in the same base: rituals cannot be performed on a transportory stone. Neither extinguish or ignite. I get “you are too far away” error message no matter where I stand. I have dismantled the t.stone and rebuilt it, which solves the problem for a small bit, but the problem resurfaces after a relog.
ps. This is the closest the game has come to an unplayable state during the year Ive played since my return to the game in AoS chapter 1.