Thralls and pets under Collidable Plains

Conan Exiles pc & Xbox

Game mode: G-Portal Server, Single Player, Xbox
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE-Conflict and Local
Region: USA
Mods?: Yes on pc No on Xbox

Bug Description:

  1. Thralls and Pets keep falling through the collidable plains, I keep finding them under the base, which I have to use Admin Ghost to find them, and move them back to where they were set. Also this causes some to perish when left there too long. Thrall/Pet Limit is turned off and set to Maximum, over population is not the issue.
    It happens regardless if I am on the server, Xbox one, or PC no mods, or with mods

  2. Roof, walls vanishing Still even after yesterdays patches (every server environments we use are all current on versions)

Expected Behavior:

  1. The Thrall and Pets to remain above the collidable plain and to not perish, from falling though the plain

  2. Roof, and walls to remain intact after building (this is even post recent update)

Installed Mods:
PC and Server have the following Mods Active

RA Character Customization

Xbox No mods

Steps to Reproduce:

PC - exit game for a few hours and return

xbox - exit game and return

We changed locations of the base on the server 3 times, also tried different building tiers. This happens in all Tiers. Currently we are using the DLC Yamantai Walls and Roof
I own all DLC for the PC and Xbox

I am using the most current version on both pc/xbox/g-portal

I regret I did not think of getting screen shots to show you. My Daughter and I went into the repair frame of mind when we found this. I will make sure I will have them next time.

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