**Game mode: Single-player | Co-op
**Type of issue: | Bug
Server type: PvE
Mods?:None, Vanilla
Version: Steam
Bug Description:
Thralls keep dissapearing and its getting really costly. I have tried putting them on the ground, on floors, on foundations on ceilings, on stages. It’s not all of them but it’s seems pretty random. Today one thrall pet wandered into a wall while my back was turned…
This is primarily happening in the Shattered Basin region, on both sides and only certain thralls. I really felt I was safe this time, put the thrall in a spot, with ALL of my building supplies (t3 bearer) so I can move another thrall, no sooner than I turn around she is gone.
This was funny when the wolf kept dissapearing. it was funny when I kept finding thralls 20 feet from where I told them to stand. It was even kinda funny when Tarman just up and vanished. But when I lost like 8 hours of materials, not so much fun.
Me and the gf so far have enjoyed the game but somewhere between random crashes at the ABSOLUTE worst times, missing materials, dissapearing thralls and equipment, it’s going downhill fast.
also why isn’t there an admin function to teleport to or from thralls? if we can rescue them, and they show on the map, why can’t we teleport to them, or get their coordinates to teleport to them? that makes no sense.
Expected Behavior:
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Installed Mods:
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Steps to Reproduce:
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug: