Thralls in my bed!

So I’ve gotten used to my thralls passing up perfectly acceptable chairs to go to other chairs further away. I don’t get it, but I accept it.

But now they are passing up all the beds I have for them, to climb to the top of my keep and sleep in my bed! We need a way to have select chairs and beds that they can’t use.

I like that they won’t sit in thrones, but sleeping in my bed is a problem. Maybe just have them not sleep in beds that players are bound to?

From the patch notes:

"Living Settlements

  • Each individual placeable now has a toggle from the radial menu allowing or disallowing followers to use them."

Thank you!

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But this is not working. We have a player who set this. But thralls were still sleeping in the bed where he toggled thrall use to off.

@Wolfkyn i purposely select only the female gender from every archetype of any faction so they’re more than welcome to find themselves in my bed :stuck_out_tongue::+1:


Lol. Even this is not working properly?

Maybe after relog/server restart?

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