Game mode: Online
Problem: Thralls still fall through floors
Region: USA
For the most part I can move a thrall on a structure and they will stay, but yesterday just after breaking a legendary archer I told her to follow me and she fell through the floor and died (tree based structure in the swamp). I test this again today with a level 3 archer on a lower platform and they almost died because they kept teleporting to me after hitting the ground and taking damage.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
Place fighter or archer thrall.
Set “Follow” command and run around a bit.
Try walking on a structure you’ve built.
They should fall through the floor if they teleport to you.
You now have a dead thrall (depending on the height).
The problem is that they can’t easily fix this because this problem is not really a bug but a problem with the physics engine. And THAT can take a lot of time to fix
Don’t know how it’s on the physics engine if the thrall can stand of something then can’t. It could be that the engine forgets to run the code that lets the thrall have a physical body; I might test and see if I can hit the thrall to see if it’s hitbox is gone.
There can be issues with the order things are rendered in, for physics checks, so if the thralls are rendered before player structures… falling ensues.
I would agree with this if they weren’t previously able to stand of the structures before following. It only happens after a small period of time of the thrall following you. So the fact that they lose the ability to stand on player made structures after following is what I’m somewhat mad about.
It has to do with boundaries, and state changes. When you say follow the game has to change the thrall from an AI object that is static with some guard routines to a moving following AI with similar routines. And those follow bits still need a lot of work.
But I also had a thrall, that was following me for several minutes, follow me up to an elevator, and just drop through the foundations I put in place to get it out far enough to reach ground below. I didn’t notice if he also passed through the ones resting on solid ground. It wan’t too far down, so he happily stood on the foundations below waiting for the elevator to get down.