
Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: #6450
Mods: なし

Bug Description:

移動石を設置しても翌日に消えている 移動石を乗せた床は残っている(劣化していない) 粛清も発生していない イベントログでも破壊されたり劣化したりした記録が一切残っていない これは不具合ですか? それとも何者かによるチート行為ですか?

Bug Reproduction:


Greetings Exile,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Can you provide more information regarding this issue?

Can you share your character and clan names, please?
As well as the exact location and date when the stone was placed and then the date when it disappeared.

Please reach out in private tagging @Community if you prefer.

Thank you in advance.

I’m reporting that I saw the teleportation stone disappear again today.
Place where the teleportation stone was placed: a little southwest of the middle of N10
Date the teleportation stone was placed: I don’t remember
Date the teleportation stone disappeared: There is no record of the disappearance of the teleportation stone in the event log, but there was a record of the disappearance of an object placed on top of the teleportation stone, so I am reporting it.
Installation placed on the teleportation stone: fireplace of a bonfire
Date of disappearance of the installation on the teleport stone: May 29, 2023 10:38:57 AM

Character Name:北方狼
No clan


Thank you for the additional information. We passed it over to our team for investigation.

Have a nice day!

The teleportation stone has disappeared multiple times since then, regardless of location. This makes normal gameplay impossible. When will this be resolved? Please fix it as soon as possible.

Location where the installation on the teleportation stone disappeared: near the border of N9 and N10, slightly to the west
Time of disappearance of the installation on the teleportation stone: 16:51:47 on June 1, 2023

Location of disappearance of the installation on the teleport stone: near the border of L9 and L10, quite west
Time of disappearance of the installation on the stone at the teleport: 19:59:22 on June 2, 2023

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